
File Updates - Pianos Become The Teeth, Upon Clouds, One Morning Left


Whatever the problem was, it seems to be fixed and reinstated by Blogger themselves... however with a catch; it was a very old backup they put up for the Artists page (back to 5/17/2020 specifically).

Therefore, I spent the day editing it to be up-to-date which took a quite a long while. Now I know to stay on my toes by getting backups of the site on my pc just in case this ever happens again.

  • (To anyone who didn't see it, the Artist and Country pages were temporarily down/removed by Blogger because of a violation of ToS yesterday which according to them had to do with "Malware or Viruses"? I made a post regarding it but I have since taken it down because it's cleared).

Just to ensure my time wasn't wasted, I did some file updating while I was at it:

  1. "Saltwater" now includes scans courtesy of boulderdashcci
  2. Weba>mp3 on "Fields"
  3. Lossless (format) rips of "Panda <3 Penguin" from BeeDee2; and merged both posts bc Vol. 2 is basically just a reissue.

Resume to your regular music browsing.


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