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1) Art Of Conversation (2000)
2) Past Life Regression (2000)
3) Nothing
4) Art Of Conversation
5) Breathe
6) Blinded
7) Past Life Regression
8) On Stars Our Dreams Are Born
9) A Twisted Path (2001)
10) 10,000 Hands
11) This Picture Was My Heart
12) Untitled
13) We Dance at Night
14) Summer Solstice
15) A Twisted Path
16) Rocky IV
17) Hospital Bed
18) Winter Solstice
19) Stuck Like Chuck
20) Concrete Trees
21) End of Time
22) Metal Mayhem
23) We Dance at Night (Live)
24) Breathe (Live)
25) Nothing (Live)
26) A Twisted Path (Live)
27) Art Of Conversation (Demo)
28) Winter Solstice (Demo)