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1) You're So Good to Me, I'll Make Your Death Quick and Painless When I Conquer the World (2003 - Summer Demo)
2) That's Not the Smell of Rain, That's the Sweet Smell of Victory (2003 - Summer Demo)
3) I Was a Metronome (2003 - Fall Demo)
4) Retreat! Retreat! (2003 - Fall Demo)
5) Orange, MA (2003 - Fall Demo)
6) This is Apathetic, This is the Test (2003 - Fall Demo)
7) The Truth About Dreaming (2003 - Fall Demo)
8) Jersey Eyes (2005 - Excursion D'Été)
9) You Have Lived a Life That Speaks Volumes of the Human Race (2005 - Excursion D'Été)
10) Elevators (2005 - Excursion D'Été)
11) MIA Wolf (2005 - Excursion D'Été)
12) Comprehension (2006 - The Critic/Ten And Two)