
Girlfriends - 2009 - Girlfriends

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Patrick Ewing
2) Brobocop
3) Yeah!? What's It Tuba!?
4) Untitled #6
5) New Computers
6) Bernie Mac Attack
7) Chex Urself B4 U Rex Urself
8) Untitled #3
9) The Apocalypse Made Me Brave
10) Untitled #5
11) End


William Bonney - 2011 - Good Vibes

1) Leather Empire
2) No Pizza
3) Drug Lord
4) See Ya Later
5) Good Vibes
6) Monsters

William Bonney - 2010 - Fall Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) See Ya Later (Demo)
2) No Pizza (Demo)
3) For My Sad Friends
4) I Think We'll Be Okay
5) [Bonus Demo] Dope Castle (2013)
6) [Bonus Demo] Monsters (Acoustic) (2013)


Flowers Taped To Pens - 2014 - Flowers Taped To Pens

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Anime Love Story
2) Clever Pessimistic Remarks
3) Jack Snes and Jeff Mango
4) Somber Eyes
5) We Are Standing Right Now, What We Build Could Be Anything
6) North Migration


Flowers Taped To Pens - 2013 - Nice To Meet You, I Hate You

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) My Parent's House
2) How Can Hip Hop Be Dead If Wu Tang Is Forever?
3) A Little Less Than Half
4) I Wondered What Dying Feels Like
5) Now I Know
6) Chased Through The Woods By George Lopez (The CPS Officer)


.crrust - 2005 - You Came For The Everest, You'll Find Your Way Dead

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Infadeout
2) I Have Never Seen A Single Porno Film In My Life
3) Test Drive
4) Curl Up And Die
5) Bloodshot
6) Organica
7) Sleep Peals
8) Godplay
9) Sound 15
10) You Came For The Everest
11) Untitled


.crrust - 2007 - Pain Is a Mere Sensation

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Pain Is a Mere Sensation Movement 1
2) Pain Is a Mere Sensation Movement 2
3) Pain Is a Mere Sensation Movement 3
4) Pain Is a Mere Sensation Movement 4
5) Pain Is a Mere Sensation (Full)

.crrust - 2004-2005 - Misc. Demos

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Marionette (2004 - Demo)
2) Nightmare (2004 - Demo)
3) Acou (2004 - Demo)
4) Bloodshot (2004 Demo) (2004 - Demo)
5) Infadeout (Demo) (2005 - Demo)
6) Curl Up And Die (Demo) (2005 - Demo)
7) Bloodshot (2005 Demo) (2005 - Demo)
8) Organica (Demo) (2005 - Demo)
9) Godplay (Demo) (2005 - Demo)
10) Sound 15 (Demo) (2005 - Demo)
11) MF (2005 - Demo)
12) Test Drive (Demo) (2005 - Demo)


Neil Perry - 2003 - Lineage Situation (Discography)

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1) Nine Minutes of None-Fiction
2) Kicked
3) Seeping Through The Cracks
4) What Is In The Making
5) Looking Back On The Way You Want To Be In The Future
6) Fading Away Like The Rest Of Them
7) Sorry For The Misunderstanding Mr. Watts...
8) Millions Lost At The Penny Arcade
9) I Wanna Talk To Samson
10) Yes Officer My Name Is Mr. Hermitiowitch...
11) Shit Blows Up... It's So Good
12) Becoming What You Hate
13) Another Trip To Baltimore
14) Igor, My Girlfriend Dumped Me... Let's Write Sad Songs
15) So Tom Cruise Turns To Me And Says
16) Breathing With One Bad Lung
17) There's A Fine Line Between Thriftstore And Whitetrash
18) A Friend Is A Lesson To Be Learned
19)  September 15th, City Lights, And The Clouds That Suck Them Dry
20) I Bought The Southern Rap Compilation And All I Got Was This Lousy Hi-Hat
21)  Josh's Dream Party; Beer, Girls, And A Computer
22)  Memoirs Of An Illiterate Penpal
23) There Will Come Soft Rains
24) You Can't Fight Jose Cuervo And Win
25) Don't Even Try To Start A Honda Accord If It's In Drive
26) Bluebook Bedtime Story
27) Trips To Baltimore
28) Friends That Fuck
29) Luc Fucked The Prom Queen
30) When My Favorite Sports Team Loses, It Makes Me Want To Hit My Girlfriend
31) If This Is A Show About God, I'm Going To Kill U Mauro
32) The Last Sip Is 90% Spit
33) Short-Haired Metal
34) Oh Shit
35) Catalyst
36) Moira
37) Elvis Wears Nikes
38) Fuck You
39) There Was Definitely A Point When The Victim...
40) I'm Sad For You


...Who Calls So Loud - 2008 - ...Who Calls So Loud

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Sleeplike
2) I Need To Experience The Ultimate
4) Assume The Power Focus
5) What I Learned In The C.O.U.M.
6) Any Color I Want
7) Coming Together Over A Black Sun
8) Slip Step

.aorta. - 2013 - MMXIII

Download (mp3) . Bandcamp
1) Wells
2) Home
3) Mechanism
4) Meridians 


Dreamstolemyheart - 2012 - Third

1) Intro
2) Ариадна
3) 19
4) Soysoysoysoy
5) Птицы
6) Зима
7) Фонари
8) Лето
9) Секунда
10) 1
11) ...

Alyria - 2009 - Creator.Destroyer (HQ and Original Files)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Jerusalem
2) Iwo Jima
3) Kremlin
4) Leningrad
5) Normandy
6) Closure


Alyria - 2009 - Alyria (HQ and Original Files)

1) This Song Has A Breakdown
2) Pull The Trigger
3) Quick To Move
4) Our Road Has No End
5) Firefight

Daïtro & Raein - 2004 - Daïtro/Raein

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Au Bout De Mes Lèvres
2) Un Bateau Ivre
3) A Chaque Fois
4) Faithless
5) A New Day Scenario
6) Blue Lines


Øjne - 2017 - Prima Che Tutto Bruci

1) Tedici
2) Ogni Inverno
3) Nel Migliore Dei Mondi Possibili
4) Sull'Altro Lato Del Fiume
5) Kalieaswari
6) Lo Schema Di Propp
7) Epilogo
8) Dall'Altra Parte Del Mare

Daïtro & Sed Non Satiata - 2007 - Daïtro/Sed Non Satiata

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
Sed Non Satiata
1) Les Hommes Sans Visage
2) Masks
3) Interlude
4) Des Ruines 
5) De L'Eau Coule Sons Les Ponts
6) Place Tolozan
7) Nous Ne Participons Pas Tous Ici À La Même Utopie
8) Un Fléau Pour Un Aautre 


One Morning Left - 2008 - Panda ﹤3 Penguin (Original & 2009 Vol. 2)

1) Panda ﹤3 Penguin
2) Worthless Girls
3) BD_l3ftoverz!
4) Excuse Me, How Can I Get to the Scene from Here?
5) SMS Pissing
6) Out Ronique
7) My Brand New Nikes Made Me Do It
8) Sweden Hockey Dreams
9) Jack the Flipper (Where's My Bodyguard)


The Starlight Season - 2013-2016 - [Unofficial] Discography

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Living In Sequence (2013 - Infinite Dreams)
2) Worlds Apart (2015 - Infinite Dreams)
3) Infinite Dreams (2016 - Infinite Dreams)
4) Revive Me (2016 - Infinite Dreams)
5) Dying Is Harder Than It Looks (2014)
6) Everything's Nice With Pumpkin Spice (2014)
7) A Discord From The Past (2013)
8) Collision (2013)
9) Leading Nowhere (2013)
10) Aspiration (2013)

Fear Before The March Of Flames - 2002 - Fear Before The March Of Flames

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Given To Dreams Of What Shall Never (Given To Dreams EP Version)
2) On The Bright Side, She Could Choke (EP Version)
3) A Shoreline Perspective
4) Quiet, And Drink This (Fashion Tips Baby EP Version)


I Set My Friends On Fire - 2007 - Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) ASL (Demo)
2) Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beerholder (Demo)
3) Toxic (Britney Spears Cover)
4) HxC 2-Step
5) Crank Dat Cavalry Boy
6) [Bonus Demo] Drive With Me (Fanmade Extended) (2008)


Circle Takes The Square - 2012 - Decompositions: Volume One

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Enter By the Narrow Gates
2) Spirit Narrative
3) Way Of Ever-Branching Paths
4) The Ancestral Other Side
5) Prefaced By The Signal Fires
6) A Closing Chapter (Scarlet Rising)
7) Singing Vengeance Into Being
8) Arrowhead As Epilogue
9) North Star, Inverted


Circle Takes The Square - 2004 - As The Roots Undo

Download (mp3)Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Intro
2) Same Shade As Concrete
3) Crowquill
4) In the Nervous Light of Sunday
5) Interview at the Ruins
6) Non Objective Portrait of Karma
7) Kill The Switch
8) A Crater to Cough In


Greenacre - 2006 - When a Day Becomes a Lifetime

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) This Time
2) Life on the Big Screen
3) Scouts and Knives
4) Old Examples
5) I Knew Too Much

Greenacre - 2005 - Greenacre

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Walk Away
2) Warms Hands for a Cold Heart
3) Just Drive
4) While You Were Treading Water


Circle Takes The Square - 2001 - Circle Takes The Square

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) Our Need to Bleed
2) Eleven Owls Have Eyes
3) A Disclaimer to the Self
4) Comes With the Fall
5) Houdini Logic

Gauge Means Nothing - 2003 - The Absent Trail of an Echo and My Future Plagued by Surrender

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Pilgrim
2) 02 My Glasses Reflect an Untrue View on My Eyes
3) 03 Boku Wa Bikaiin (I'm Idealize Commissioner)
4) 04 (Surely) Dyes Black
5) Right Hand


The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - 2006 - Demo

1) Crunchy Black Did Me In At Midnight Madness (Demo)
2) Carrol 14 Wossman 7 (Demo)
3) Mad Max Beyond Superdome (Demo)
4) Yankees Don't Make Sweet Tea

I Have Dreams - 1999 - Three Days 'Til Christmas (Original and 2023 Remaster)

Download (mp3/flac) . Listen on YT
1) Three Days 'Til Christmas
2) Countless Rooftops
3) In Good Hands
4) I Don't Imagine You and I Anymore
5) Thank You So Much For Having The Courage To Help A Friend Change His Life For The Better


Tepnumoctb[0] - 2009 - Мертвым Известны Мечты

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) RC
2) Мой Еб.ный Ангел 
3) Кислотный Полет 
4) Кроваво-Красным 
5) Мой Первый Оргазм 
6) Please Kill Me 
7) Моей Кровью
8) С Нежным Презреньем 
9) Emo Make Me Cry 
10) Soundtrack Для Твоей Депрессии

Dozavtra - 2007 - Только Ты

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Intro
2) Не Уходи
3) Только Ты и Я
4) Шум и Пустота
5) Что Произошло
6) Больше, Чем Смерть
7) То Лето
8) Ты Все Же Помнишь
9) Двое Минус Один (2-оr-1)
10) Закрывшись В Тенях
11) Взаперти
12) В Сердце Стрелой


Encrypt Manuscript - 2008 - Census

Download (mp3)
1) The Beloved Cyst
2) Colonized Minds
3) Two Mice
4) Glamorous Fiends
5) Pink Slip
6) All I've Left Behind
7) Gallery
8) The Royal We
9) Census
10) Food, Health, Hope
11) Great Ape Trust


Encrypt Manuscript - 2005 - Encrypt Manuscript

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Knife Fight at the Blind Tiger
2) Phantom Limb Pain

Encrypt Manuscript - 2004 - Dialogues

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Riot Cop Fox Trot
2) The Dead Sleep Here/Theme for Seagulls
3) Parabola Modes
4) How Do You Syllabicate Your Name?
5) (Re)consider the Hysterical Consortium