
Save This City - 2009 - Save This City

1) Steve Johnson
2) Midnight
3) Our War Is Better
4) Hold On
5) Lights

Save This City - Unknown Year - Unknown EP

1) The Storm Is Coming
2) Euphoria
3) Autumn's Falling
4) Preface
5) Lu Chamonix
6) [Missing] Track 6
7) Choices, Choices

Save This City - 2005 - Inconvenience At The Convenience Store

1) Test Of Faith
2) Dreamers
3) Love Dearly, Me
4) Lost Cause
5) Going Commando


This Painted Red - 2004 - My Last Dying Wish - (Reviewed)

1) Paper Cuts And Porcelain Dolls
2) A Dozen Dead Roses
3) Ever Wonder What A Broken Heart Sounds Like? (Ever Wonder 2004)
4) Long Short While
5) In A Lonely Room
6) Love Song
7) Hate Crisis
8) Everything We Have
9) [Missing] Promises
10) Funeral For My Heart
11) [Missing] Another Wasted Night
12) 7:45 (Because It's Shit Upside Down)

"This Painted Red was one of the first posts on the blog, The Floor It Fell From has always been one of my favorite releases since getting into the Lastfm pipeline. Originally, I found these guys from looking at bands with the tag Mall Emo when I was first getting my roots into post hardcore (I didn't know what Mall Emo even was)... I still have not found a band that captures the sound I'm looking for in the same way that This Painted Red has. It's been a lengthy search in trying to find this release with little to no info online, another victim of the Myspace & Purevolume losses. After many leads turned dead ends and contacts I finally received a hit on my wishlist; 12 tracks (9 more than I originally thought existed) uploaded by Pasha Thrills. Nothing could prepare me for this; I (quite damn literally) went to my car to isolate myself and scream from the excitement I felt. While driving to class tonight I was able to sit and listen at last, and it surpassed my expectations. Hitting on every aspect I praised their 2007 EP for, this release delivers. It's unpolished, sincere, and passionate (I don't know if you notice but I tend to repeat adjectives for these reviews; I'm not Roger Ebert nor do I pretend to be). I hope fellow Dear Diary fans will find this well, I've dreamt of finding this one day and I thought I never would've."


Everyday At Sinai - 2004 - Dance Like You Mean It (And All That Jazz)

1) The Gun Pointed At The Head Of The Universe
2) For A Butterfly (Song Of Songs)
3) Something God Told Me One Night
4) This Is A Revolution Of The Mind
5) Falling In Love With A Lie

Everyday At Sinai - 2005 - The Brontosaurus

1) A Pep Talk For The Boys
2) Find This Clue For A Storybook Ending
3) When Falling Down Is Really Flying Up


Azariah's Prayer - 2006 - Prizefighter

1) The Excellence of Execution
2) After Affect
3) Dance, Dead Man, Dance
4) Exposing the Enemy
5) Conviction

Azariah's Prayer - 2005 - And They Walked About in the Midst of the Flames

1) From the Gallows
2) Our Only Loyalty is to Bloodshed
3) When Push Comes to Shove
4) ...And No Greater Love


Kid Named Chicago - 2005 - Kid Named Chicago

1) Suburban Teenage Heartbreak
2) Inside Out
3) Winner, Winner
4) Jamie All Over
5) Fire Over L.A.
6) A Month of Saturdays
7) [Bonus Demo] Suburban Teenage Heartbreak (Acoustic) (2005)
8) [Bonus Demo] Winner, Winner (Synth) (2005)

The Last Try (Kid Named Chicago) - 2003-2004 - Misc. Demos

1) Spinkicks and Backflips (2003 - Demo 2003)
2) Crossfire (2003 - Demo 2003)
3) [Missing] A Vast, Ye Land Lovers! (2003 - Demo 2003)
4) Decatur or Bust (2004 - Demo 2004)
5) At the Floodgates (2004 - Demo 2004)
6) Teenage Suburban Heartbreak (2004 - Demo 2004)

The Last Try (Kid Named Chicago) - 2004 - Fire Over L.A.

1) Cali All Over
2) Teenage Suburban Heartbreak
3) Straight on Til' Morning
4) A View from This Crash
5) Handshakes from Handguns
6) A Concert for an Audience of the Dead and Dying

A Coastline Ending - 2005 - A Coastline Ending

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) My Northern Light (Demo)
2) Kids and Killers (Demo)
3) How to Save Yourself
4) [Bonus Demo] Midnight Angel (2005)

"Originally part of the "Remember November" post but since The Internet Archive put up the details of their standalone demo, I decided to put it here in a separate post."


The Legitimate Excuse - 2004 - Pathetic, Ordinary

1) Days Fade Away
2) Long Nights Stupid Fights
3) Same Time Next Week
4) Losers Walk
5) Eclipse
6) Regret
7) Fast Asleep December Eyes
8) No Exposure
9) Lost Youth
10) Room 106
11) Kayla
12) When She Returns
13) Final Resting Place
14) [Missing] You Should've Killed Me When You Had The Chance
15) [Missing] Omega

Inkling - 1999-2000 - Singles

1) One Ugly Lie (1999 - At Least They're Not From NJ)
2) Could Be (1999 - At Least They're Not From NJ)
3) Drawing Conclusions (Alternate) (2000 - Charlie Brown Gets A Valentine/Inkling)

File Updates - Inkling

320 versions of "Miscommunication" have been found and replaced the 128 ones. Thanks to patrickjs on slsk for the files! These are hard to come by!

Inkling - 1999 - Minute

1) To Live
2) Fell Through Autumn
3) Good In Being Sick
4) These Rails Have Never Felt So Used
5) Words Hunt
6) Projector
7) Surfacing


Inkling - 1998 - Demo

1) Projector (Demo)
2) Cliche 
3) So In Love 
4) Six 
5) Heal 
6) Wallow 
7) Flushed 
8) Etiquette


Atlanta Takes State - 2008 - Demo

1) Who Ate All The Disco Biscuits (Demo)
2) Running Red Lights
3) There's No Reason To Be Afraid (Demo)

Atlanta Takes State - 2009 - Infinity Awaits

1) There's No Reason To Be Afraid
2) Who Ate All The Disco Biscuits?
3) Running Red Lights
4) A Date With Destiny
5) Unfit For A King
6) [Single] Help Me, To Help You (2010)



File Updates - Life Is A Fight

Recently notified that their S/T went up on Bandcamp and I'm thrilled! Different track listing, same versions, but with one included interlude, "The Widest Wings". "Judy Jetson" was not included however, so I've kept that in here as track 9.

Post has been updated to 320 files. If you haven't heard this band before... you really need to.


Project Rocket - 2003 - New Year's Revolution

1) Draw Me Closer
2) True til' College
3) The Pen and Paper Cliché
4) Peoples History of Us
5) You Charlatan
6) Send in the Replicas
7) With Stars in Her Eyes
8) Slow Motion Suicide
9) Andy's Song
10) Drink Yourself to Sleep
11) A New Year's Revolution

File Updates - The Goodbye Celebration

Track 7, "Slugs Vs. Pigeons" has been found and emailed to me by Brap.

"Phonecalls Towards Forgetting" post has been updated!


Project Rocket & Fall Out Boy - 2002 - Fall Out Boy/Project Rocket

Project Rocket
1) Formula for Love
2) You Charlatan (Demo)
3) Someday
Fall Out Boy
4) Growing Up (Demo)
5) Switchblades and Infidelity (Demo)
6) Moving Pictures (Demo)


The Goodbye Celebration - 2015 - Retro/A Second Shot At A First Impression

1) Blaine
2) Vincent
3) Common Conversation (Alternate)
4) Honey Murphy (Demo)
5) Dupree
6) ...Then Panic Sets In
7) This Is Something
8) Honey Murphy
9) A Talk About Summer
10) Revolutionary

File Updates - Us Against The Stars

Track 8, "Tequila Dreams" has been found as well as tracks 1-8 in .m4a! Post has been updated.

Thanks to orificio for the files!!

The Goodbye Celebration - 2006 - Phonecalls Towards Forgetting (Japanese Edition)

1) Common Conversation
2) Eye For An Eye
3) Home Is Where The Heart Is
4) Karma At Its Best
5) The Night Life (Changing 500)
6) Can't Break What's Already Broken
7) Slugs Vs. Pigeons
8) Ocalla
9) Dear Courtney
10) 42 Reststops Til' California


Мъртви Поети - 1999 - Мъртви Поети

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Обсебен
2) Страх от високо
3) Никой
4) Това, което дебне
5) Статуя на свободата
6) Спе спокойно
7) Отминали събития
8) Самотна
9) Искам
10) Другаде
11) Черни листа

Мъртви Поети - 1994 - Демо

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Бавни дни
2) Апатия
3) Златна рибка
4) Орисия
5) Навикът на телата
6) Грапаво утро
7) Бялата пътека
8) Като в сън
9) Морето
10) Questa Sera (Heute Abend)


Inkling - 2001 - Miscommunication

1) Drawing Conclusions
2) Jenny
3) My Advice
4) The Bad Apple Theory
5) The Happiest Ending I Can Think Of


Nearest The Positive - 2008 - Awake, Awake

1) Handshoes and Horsegrenades
2) A Pardon, a Parade, and a Poodle on a Keychain
3) Carnations are Deadly
4) Where They Deep Fry Everythang
5) Arnge Submarines

Nearest The Positive - 2007 - Irony Doesnt Get the Wrinkles Out

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Merriam Webster Ain't Got Nothin' on Me
2) My Last Lullaby
3) The Fire in Her Eyes
4) You Should Have Known
5) [Bonus Demo] Cuts in Deeper Than a Knife (2007)



Gonna be gone for the weekend through Tuesday, on vacation for Labor Day weekend. 
See ya soon!
