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1) Silhouettes Dance
2) Take 2
3) Italy
4) [Single] To The Person Who Finds Meaning In Everything, I Scream (2004 - If It Plays...)
Fed By Fiction - 2003 - Tour CD
Fed By Fiction - 2002 - Coup-Pak Demo

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Fed By Fiction - 2003 - These Lives Crash on Three

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As Patient Stars Align - 2005 - As Patient Stars Align

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The Paddington Bear Affair - 2004 - Demo

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1) Cavedrawings
2) Gaols
3) A Universal Change Of Tact (When Mice Attack)
4) Coffins (Demo)
5) There's An Audio Riot In Cell Block D
The Paddington Bear Affair - 2005 - The Paddington Bear Affair

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Dive, Breca, Dive! - 2004 - Demo

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1) You're Falling Behind
2) Blood Soaked and Drained of Tears (Thanks for the Memories)
3) You Brighten Up My Day
File Updates - The Goodbye Celebration, Seeing Means More
To Say The Least - 2004 - Your Hometown Hero - (Reviewed)

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Petethepiratesquid - 2006 - UK Tour

Petethepiratesquid & Shokei - 2004 - Shokei/Petethepiratesquid

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
Various Artists - 2022 - Emotional Lorax: Brought To You By The Emo Archive Discord Server

1) Who Spiked The Floor Punch (Black Paper Diary)
2) Silent Secret II (Tear Down December)
Emergency Numbers - 2007 - Emergency Numbers

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File Updates - Five Minute Ride
File Updates - The Goodbye Celebration, Plastic Glasses
I got some pretty big news. 2 bands at the top of my wishlist have been found nearly entirely.
1st off: fellow Chad based-music enjoyer, Joseph C., sent me a bunch of demos from The Goodbye Celebration that hadn't surfaced. I have organized them into the Misc. Demos post and I'll be reuploading them to YT for convenience.
One of these demos was track 4 on the highly sought after "Spin His Record... It Makes Your Heart Beat" (and it's really damn good). I'm currently in contact with an event coordinator from back in the day who might have it, so I'm waiting to hear back from them.
2nd: Bryan N., the drummer for Plastic Glasses sent me everything he could dig up. This includes both EPs ("Turn Your Eyes" and "For Those Who Lost Hope") from Legends Never Die and the entirety of "...With Love". You're a legend man!!!
In the coming days I'll be uploading all this to YT, but for now I'm going to go through Plastic Glasses first.
Listen to "With Love" on YT here.
Legends Never Die (Plastic Glasses) - 2004 - For Those Who Lost Hope

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8th Of September - 2006 - Dead People Only (Original & Alternate Version)
Romantic Emily - 2006 - Romantic Emily

Cast You Down - 2016 - Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Desert of Judah
2) Torn Palms of Terra
3) Burn The Eyes of the Horizon
4) Cleansed by the Sea
8th Of September - 2004 - One Cross Each

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5) Summer, as Unexpected as Always
Black Paper Diary - 2004 - 2001-2004

Amelia Street - 2003 - Demo
File Updates - Plastic Glasses
Sillhaven - 2018 - Stillhaven

Juliet - 2004 - I Wanted To Tell You
Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) When I'm Saving the World
2) Closing In
3) I Wanted To Tell You
4) Better This Way
5) Giving In
6) Marshall's Voicemail
La Soledad Atienza - 2001 - The Dave Kordansky Sessions

Assspatula & La Soledad Atienza - 1999 - Live in Dave's Basement
File Updates - Silent Cinema
Good news everyone, rest of Silent Cinema's "Fiction" was sent to me by martinb4 on discogs, thanks a ton dude!
Hope everyone's having a good day, enjoy the mornin' w/ a cuppa joe. This is the perfect music to do that with.
Post has been updated here.
A Closing Skyline - 2002 - Demo