
Missing Since Yesterday - 2002-2004 - Eric/Chris/Omar E.P.'s

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1) Left Alone (2002 - Eric E.P.)
2) December Suicide (2002 - Eric E.P.)
3) Scars to Show (2002 - Eric E.P.)
4) Earth Angel (2002 - Eric E.P.)
5) A Tear in the Page Where the Story Ends (2003 - Chris E.P.)
6) Lackluster Photographs of You (2003 - Chris E.P.)
7) An Era of Psychotic Romance Stories (2003 - Chris E.P.)
8) Dichotomy of Sides (2003 - Chris E.P.)
9) Consequences of a Faceless Muse (2004 - Omar E.P.)
10) Muteness of Affection (2004 - Omar E.P.)
11) An Era of Psychotic Romance Stories (2004 - Omar E.P.)
12) Written Words (2004 - Omar E.P.)
13) We Slumber Only Because it Helps Us Escape the Difficulties, Even Though We Must Always Wake, One of These Days We Won't and That Shall Be Beautiful (2004 - Omar E.P.)

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