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Little mistake; removed track 15 from the Dear Whoever Misc. Demos post, as it's come to my attention that it's actually from All The Rage's "Action" EP.
Thanks for the help there Bernie. Post can be found here.
I suck at using my scanner, so I finally got the right settings for proper scanning. I updated the cover art for Dead Letter Diaries' S/T and Same Dull Star's S/T.
A bonus demo was sent my way by Bernie, so I added it on "The Takeover (2006)" post.
Additionally, I included the missing 5th track on "Over and Done (2006)" thanks to Ivar as well as higher quality files/cover art thanks to rawd man. Originals included in download.
Awesome news! Some more tracks from "Forever Yours" (2002), as well as a demo from 2001 has been found! Thanks a ton to Memory Crawler for the upload and files, as well as Turtle Head! Track listing might not be accurate, but I adjusted it to what makes sense from how it sounds and what other track info I could find.
I did a good amount of digging recently on confirming the validity of whether Sailboat's demo was 4 or 2 tracks... turns out the other 2 tracks were not and were misattributed as confirmed on their Myspace. I also got better cover art.
Post can be found here.
More exciting news, there exists is a Self Titled 7" that was recorded but never pressed (also confirmed on their Myspace)... it's suspected that those two tracks made it onto it since "53 Second Song" been found attributed to a side project of one of their members called "Life In Tokyo", which was recording a 7" at the same time as they had a reunion. Two other tracks were confirmed to be posted on their hxcmp3 website and seems to match the quality of "53 Second Song" and "Four".
So, consider this partially found until we're given more info. Thanks a ton to Melomelo, ThisEndlessBreath, and Wheneverwhatever for the help in researching this! Thanks to Sethyeah and ShockThese Trees on slsk for the files!