Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Breakdown
2) Cone Shaped Tears
3) Harmony
4) Here I Stand
5) Next Thursday
3) Harmony
4) Here I Stand
5) Next Thursday
6) Save It
7) What's Wrong?
8) Sleepless
9) Untitled I
10) Untitled II
Another handful of id3's I've been going through and fixing/updating. Going to PA for Thanksgiving so no uploads on YT until Friday, however I'll still be posting what's on my queue.
Posts can be found below:
Bad news,
My D Drive crapped out so I got today's post (it's a really good one) and another queued up on my C Drive, otherwise I won't be uploading until I fix it. The archive and my data should be fine, just technical stuff.
If you need me I'll be playing Soul Reaver 2 in the meantime lol.
Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Heaven Could Hope
2) Roses To The Wind
3) Chasing Eternity
4) Bleeding Hearts
5) Love Letter From A Friend