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1) A Sigh Of Relief
2) Hiding Behind
3) Mistaken For Targets
4) The Losses Of A Whole Decade
5) Azure
6) Walking Insecure
7) Lion's Cave
8) The Farewell-Phrases
9) Restricted
10) The Final Dance
"Now, I know in the previous update post regarding school I said I'd be slowing things down, but just today I couldn't help myself when I saw the album in the mailbox. Had it shipped all the way from good ol' Switzerland and used one of those USB disc things to convert the files over since my expensive ass desktop didn't come with a disk drive. Anyways, the album... this album... I recently found their 2010 release and it was eh, so it was a bargain, but since their 2006 split and 2001 releases were solid I was confident in this release being good. A beautiful assortment of components; pianos, both male and female vocalists creating one of the most dynamic albums I've ever listened to. While it still being distinctly post hardcore/emo, you can definitely see some progressive inspirations peaking their way through. I can also envision that people from numerous genre backgrounds enjoying this. In essence, one of the greatest albums I have had the pleasure of sitting through. One hell of an obscure gem that will hopefully now be more accessible."