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1) Километры
2) Сотни Раз
3) Беги Вслед За Мной
4) Чёрно-Белые Дни
5) Сильнее Меня
6) Я Остаюсь
7) Сломанный Мир
8) Глубоко Внутри
9) Поцелуй Мою Кровь
10) С.Т.Е.К.А.Я.
11) Другая Жизнь
12) P.S.
"I can't even call what genre it is. It's a sick mix of metalcore, deathcore, nu metal, post-hardcore (sometimes) and groove metal. Heavy af, despite it's not any -death like stuff, but the vibe, album cover art and lyrics make you feel like it's kickass deathcore-like stuff. Actually lyrics aren't so original (sometimes even stupid imo), but it works damn good in such mix of pain and aggression. In their next album, 'Книга Мёртвых' (Book of Dead) they improved their songwriting so much, but for me 'Неизбежность' is still their best work through all the years."