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1) Prelude
2) Say Goodbye
3) Below the Ever Setting Sun
4) The Truth in Your Eyes
5) Broken
1) Prelude
2) Say Goodbye
3) Below the Ever Setting Sun
4) The Truth in Your Eyes
5) Broken
"Remember that time when Black Metal artists had emo side projects? I remember, miss that time. Dude from my favorite Depressive Suicidal Black Metal band, Austere, started Grey Waters in 2006 and recorded a couple of demos, which, sadly, have been lost. In 2009 they released this EP Below the Ever Setting Sun. They had plan to release a LP and it was almost done, but for unknown reasons it was canceled. In 2012 band broke up. I used to listen it in 2014 almost every day and now i suddenly remembered about it and it was like a breathe of fresh air. Tearful riffs, suffering clean vocals, walls of delayed guitars - everything is perfect on this record. Such a band we lost..."