The Last Try (Kid Named Chicago) - 2003-2004 - Misc. Demos
The Last Try (Kid Named Chicago) - 2004 - Fire Over L.A.
A Coastline Ending - 2005 - A Coastline Ending
1) My Northern Light (Demo)
2) Kids and Killers (Demo)
3) How to Save Yourself
4) [Bonus Demo] Midnight Angel (2005)
The Legitimate Excuse - 2004 - Pathetic, Ordinary
Inkling - 1999-2000 - Singles
File Updates - Inkling
Inkling - 1999 - Minute
Inkling - 1998 - Demo
Atlanta Takes State - 2008 - Demo
Atlanta Takes State - 2009 - Infinity Awaits
Jacques Rocque - 2012 - Mamihlapinatapai
Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp . Soundcloud
Jacques Rocque - 2011 - Jacques Rocque
File Updates - Life Is A Fight
Project Rocket - 2003 - New Year's Revolution
3) The Pen and Paper Cliché
4) Peoples History of Us
5) You Charlatan
6) Send in the Replicas
File Updates - The Goodbye Celebration
Track 7, "Slugs Vs. Pigeons" has been found and emailed to me by Brap.
"Phonecalls Towards Forgetting" post has been updated!
Project Rocket & Fall Out Boy - 2002 - Fall Out Boy/Project Rocket
The Goodbye Celebration - 2015 - Retro/A Second Shot At A First Impression
File Updates - Us Against The Stars
Track 8, "Tequila Dreams" has been found as well as tracks 1-8 in .m4a! Post has been updated.
Thanks to orificio for the files!!
The Goodbye Celebration - 2006 - Phonecalls Towards Forgetting (Japanese Edition)
Мъртви Поети - 1999 - Мъртви Поети
1) Обсебен
2) Страх от високо
3) Никой
4) Това, което дебне
5) Статуя на свободата
6) Спе спокойно
7) Отминали събития
8) Самотна
9) Искам
10) Другаде
11) Черни листа
Мъртви Поети - 1994 - Демо
6) Грапаво утро
7) Бялата пътека
8) Като в сън
9) Морето
Inkling - 2001 - Miscommunication
Nearest The Positive - 2008 - Awake, Awake
Nearest The Positive - 2007 - Irony Doesnt Get the Wrinkles Out
Saving Throw - 2001 - Where's Solidarity In An Unfaithful World?
Saving Throw - 2004 - Never Race With Time
Iamerror - 2008 - Trout Yogurt (Original & 2021 Remaster)
Iamerror - 2008-2009 - Misc. Demos
Beneath The Sky - 2005 - Demo
Iamerror - 2007 - Super IAE Alpha 2
Iamerror - 2006 - I Don't Care for Your Distaste, I Told You Once I Don't Want This
Across Five Aprils (2) - 1996 - Demo Cassette
Across Five Aprils (2) - 1996 - Demo Tape
File Updates - Never In Red
John Brown Battery - 2001 - The Only Normal People Are the Ones You Don't Know All That Well
John Brown Battery - 2001 - Is Jinxed
John Brown Battery - 2000 - Bury the Burden of Thought
Alexisonfire - 2004 - Watch Out!
Alexisonfire - 2002 - Alexisonfire (Original & 2013 Remaster)
Never In Red - 2002 - A Neatly Scrawled Note
Across Five Aprils - 2003 - A Tragedy in Progress
6) My Eyes Murdered Charles Townsend
Alexisonfire - 2002-2004 - Heart Skull Samplers (Pink & Brown)
Alexisonfire - 2002 - Math Sheet Demo
Across Five Aprils - 2002 - Twenty-Three Minutes and Thirty-Four Seconds of Scenic City Rock N' Roll
4) Running Red Lights
Across Five Aprils - 2002 - Across Five Aprils
Carcinomas Of Unknown Primary Origin - 2016 - Coxsackievirus Infection
Wage Their Battle - 2018 - Neglect & Decay: The Four Year Demo
Wage Their Battle - 2013 - World: Two
Wage Their Battle - 2011 - World: One
I've been wanting to update more pages (admin pages, genre page placeholders, etc.). Recently, I came up with the idea of having a showcased random post widget/gadget just to encourage a little exploration.
No issues I found, but when it shows an update post the img has a missing image (but I'm sure I can change that).
Thanks Cyfrus/Paul for the code!
If I Die First - 2021 - They Drew Blood
A Silent Fiction - 2009 - Wasted
A Silent Fiction - 2007 - This Silence is Deafening
Fury Things - 2007 - Live at the Ark
As In Bear - 2011 - Bear Puns
File Updates - Legendary Baseball Card
Recently bought a shirt and with it came a "Without Me" CD inside it! Ripped it in lossless and added some additional pics.
Thanks a billion Bryon and Rafael!