Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2021. Show all posts


Riot Like Words - 2007 - Riots Like Words

Download (mp3/m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Shun The Non-Believers
2) We Save Children But Not The British Children
3) Mono Me Vs. You And Your Stereotypical Friends
4) Standing On The X (Cue Anvil) (2007)
5) Five For The History Books
6) You're Like An Okay Movie
7) White Belts Are In This Season
8) A Man Named Jealousy Makes All The Wrong Moves (2007)
9) They Sleep In Peace, They Sleep In Peace
10) Fake, Liar, Cheat
11) [Single] It's Time We Stand Up (2021)


Party Hats - 2021 - Insideoutside Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Indian School Rd.
2) I Hate Bucees
3) So Far
4) Squid Ink

Party Hats - 2021 - Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Still Can't Tell Up From Down
2) Litter Boxes/Changing Tires
3) One Time I Got Poison Ivy So Bad I Went Blind


...And Its Name Was Epyon - 2021 - 2018-2019 Discography

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) War in the Pocket
2) Dark Histories
3) Return to Forever
4) Side 7 (Split)
5) Granada
6) Side 7
7) Zuda
8) Living Dead Division


Hospital Bracelet - 2021 - South Loop Summer

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1) South Loop Summer
2) Sober Haha Jk Unless
3) Happy Birthday
4) Feral Rat Anthem
5) Sheetz vs Wawa
6) Sour OG RPG
7) Summer Friends
8) Sober Haha Jk Unless (Single)


Handlr - 2020-2022 - Singles - (Reviewed)

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1) I Forgot to Water My Plants and They Faked Their Own Death (2020)
2) Trophy Kill (2021)
3) X 15087 (Single) (2022)

"I mean this sincerely, the best band to come from the dead corpse of this style of post hardcore in the past 2 years. When listening to old pxc stuff circa '03-'09 I'm always thinking 'they don't make em like this anymore'. It's a somber reality, but I believe if you look hard enough you can find people who feel the same way and have the inventiveness to rekindle pxc's flames. Each track holds the same level of potency, but is completely unique from each other. I've been patiently anticipating every bit of news ever since their very debut. Being that their most recent single just dropped today, a 'singles' post  and a proper review would be appropriate."


Sonagi - 2021 - Pansori 판소리 - (Reviewed)

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1) Minjung 민중
2) Pansori 판소리 (Single)

"Formed in 2019 out of the Philly scene, Sonagi delivers immense talent and creativity into the post rock-screamo niche. I was pleasantly surprised to see Ryann from Closer doing vox, which put this on my radar initially, for which I'm here to stay! This are just the debut singles (if not counting their split tracks), but a full release, Precedent, is set to release on the 22nd of this month; which I eagerly await for. Excellent, beautiful stuff here."


Hopscotchbattlescars - 2021 - First Name Hopscotch, Last Name Battlescars

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Cancel Me Elmo
2) Breathing Makes You Die Slower, So Stop
3) There's Definitely Shrimp in Here (The Horniest Damn Fishing Lure This Side of the Mississippi)
4) Speak IRL


Hopscotchbattlescars - 2021 - Singles

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) God Hates Straight Pride Flags
2) Pyramid Scheme Mega Mall Fracking Expo Car Dealership
3) Restart, Erase, Reset


In.Her.Head - 2021-2022 - Singles

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Phantoms Can’t Hurt Me, Mirrors Can (2021)
2) Daiquiri Zachary Has Never Lost A Battle (2022)
3) Phantoms Can’t Hurt Me, Mirrors Can (2022) (2022)


Blindër - 2021 - You Ruined Me But You’re Beautiful

1) The Flowers On The Windowsill Are Already Rotten
2) You Ruined Me But You’re Beautiful


Iwishiwasraining - 2021-2022 - Demo Tapes 1-3 - (Reviewed)

1) Campfire Song
2) Counting to a Billion
3) Have You Seen Me??
4) Long Story Short, it Was a Banana in My Pocket
5) An Excellent Day to Wither Away
6) I Miss the Comfort in Being Sad
7) Interlude
8) Good Mourning, Good Night
9) Turnpikes and Highways
10) So Long, Goodbye!
11) Cheese in a House of Vegans
12) I Drank a Redbull and it Didn't Give Me Wings
13) Crows Above
14) Bite Here
15) She Doesn't Like Merchant Ships? That's a Red Flag
16) Ifyoucouldreadmylockediphonenotesyouwouldcry
17) Are Shroom Moms the New Wine Moms?
18) The Great Departure of the 2000's
19) [Single] I Would Kill for My Chest to Stop Hurting (2022)

"This exceptional three piece band from Ohio brings with it a plethora of influence and creative ability. Songs are diverse, engaging, and overall just plain lovely (in my own words). Bedroom melancholia that is relaxed without breaking the fast and manic pace of expressive introspection. This is a great way to use elements of a genre to their full capabilities in telling a compelling narrative. One example; using a squacky-styled scream in some of the songs could come across as amateur for many (doesn't bother me too much, though it can sometimes), but the way in which they use it feels very deliberate; slowing it down, picking it back up, changing the pitch... the extent of their creativity is so fucking impressive in what they're able to express. A small detail among many that makes this demo a must amongst skramz bois out there. Also lyrics are super relatable lmao."


Various Artists - 2021 - Songs In Vivo Vol. 2

1) The Man Who Stole Several Leopards (Akuma Kira)
2) Cries of the Past (Underoath)
3) Concrete Blocks of Empathy (We Came Out Like Tigers)
4) [Interlude I]
5) Awake And Aware (Thisisasummaryofwhoiam)
6) Silent Secret II (Tear Down December)
7) [Interlude II]
8) Automaton Droids V2.0 (The Blue Letter)
9) That Bird Is A Liar (Dot Flash Line)
10) Duets and Messages (Ahimsa Sunrise)
11) [Interlude III]
12) Same Story, Different Day (Taken)
13) Longest Five Miles (A Day's Refrain)
14) Like an Apparition, You Were Never Even There (Lights Strung Like Stars)
15) Seven and a Half Years of Waiting/My Disaster (A Perfect Kiss)
16) [Hidden Track]

"Volume 2 of a CDR mix for 3 friends, following up from the 1st volume; one of the three from last year got the first/master copy so that's why there's 2 variants instead of 3. Track 17 is another hidden track that is excluded from this post. For this year, I wanted to make it a whole lot more emotional with an emphasis on emotional maturity... as this past year has been difficult for all of us but have helped us grow to be stronger people. Unofficial."


Static Dress - 2021 - Prologue... (Comic Book Soundtrack)

1) A_Distraction...
2) Disposable Care
3) The Spare Key in the Back
4) Sober Exit(s)
5) In This Fake City
6) Foreplay (Is Not My Forté)
7) From a Mansion to a FH
8) Vague
9) To the Hotel...


Matsuri - 2021 - Discography

1) Open Your Chest (Part I)
2) Breathe Out Your Soul (Part II)
3) Cling To Your Lungs (Part III)
4) Love What You Hold (Part IV)
5) Highly Successful, Poorly Executed
6) Ear To The Rail (Eyes To The Horizon)
7) ;)
8) Endship
9) :)
10) Make.Use.Hope
11) ...To Those Who Sailed These Seas Before Us
12) Dad Where's My Gatorade
13) Cheesecurd It
14) Corndoug
15) Brad The Bro Dad
16) There Is No 'S' In Texas, Vietnam Is A Continent
17) Horsemask
18) Graveyards And Ghosttowns
19) Kurt Russel
20) Fist Of Chocolove
21) The Devil In The Womb (Choking On The Biblical Umbilical)
22) Nunu
23) Stevemom
24) The Details Are In The Static (So Keep Your Chin Up)
25) No Rest For The Rich (Cuz They're All Doin' Cocaine)
27) Bagchairs
28) Walking On Kites
29) Smashmothetrumpeteer
30) Bradisabrodad
31) Biteintoacorndog
32) Theresacrackinyourhorsemask
33) Black Cogs
34) Fast Song 1
35) Texasnam
36) Four Part Song
37) Intro (Live)
38) The Devils In The Womb (Live)
39) Stevemom (Live)
40) Graveyards And Ghosttowns (Live)
41) Cheesecurd It (Live)
42) Horsemask (Live)
43) (Live)
44) Graveyards + Ghosttowns (Live)
45) Kurt Russel (Live)
46) Fist Of Chocolove (Live)


Like Hung Like Stars - 2021 - It Gave Way to More Than You Could Imagine - (Reviewed)

1) You're Not Alone, There's Plenty of Us That Feel the Same Way You Do but Don't Have the Courage to Say It
2) New Year, but it All Feels the Same
3) An Unremarkable Day Spent at a Water Park in Wisconsin, I Still Remember it for Some Reason
4) A Christmas Gift for Laurel
5) End of This Story, The
6) [Single] Departing Ships (2021)

"This EP progresses from their demo, while introducing a lot of new sounds into the mix, like experimenting with folk singing, spoken word, and predominant electronic elements; distorting their sampling to a larger extent. Just as good as the last, I can only hope they go up from here. My only tiny nitpick is some of the sampling choices seemed out of place. A small detail I adore is the tape-changing sounds and differing audio mixing that sounds akin Tear Down December's rough demos (very out there reference but it just came to mind).


Griphook - 2021 - Brutal Bloodsport - (Reviewed)

1) Blood Rage
2) Prom Night
3) The Mutilator
4) You're Next
5) Black Christmas
6) Maniac
7) Silent Night, Deadly Night
8) Slumber Party Massacre
9) Angst
10) The Burning
11) New York Ripper
12) Scream
13) House By The Cemetery

"I meant to post this earlier on its release (since it released Halloween). It's not often I listen to this genre... but oh boy am I glad I did. The frontman, Butcher, from the band sent this my way; a group of horror fanatics from Akron, Ohio whose aesthetic is unrivaled, inspired by horror flicks and grindhouse horror, comes a tasteful embodiment of edge and grime (without coming across as pretentious). It's an album I recommend listening to all at once, and brings me back to Loss (2006)... though, hot take: I like this a whole lot more, especially toward the album's latter half. Sludgy guitarwork, upfront bass, and impassioned vocalization work together to create allegorical images, allowing for absolute immersion. Show these dudes some love, seriously."


Iamerror - 2008 - Trout Yogurt (Original & 2021 Remaster)

1) Main Screen Turn On
2) Forest of Fellatio
3) Snap Kracko Pop
4) Do a Br00tal Roll
5) Jeffree Star Road
6) Metapod Probably Kicked Your Ass When You Were a Kid
7) K.K. Dgaf
8) The Iceclops Cometh
9) The Reason We Vomit is to Show How Dedicated We are to Weight Loss
10) Fuck Your Sanctuary, I'm Heading for a Bomb Shelter
11) Hp/Mp Restored... But No Taco Bell in Sight


If I Die First - 2021 - They Drew Blood

1) Walking A Razor's Edge
2) Just Another Body At The Bottom Of The Lake
3) Glass Casket
4) 40 Days & 40 Nights
5) People Like You Make People Like Me Disappear
6) Time Moves Faster When You're Dancing In A Graveyard