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1) I Forgot to Water My Plants and They Faked Their Own Death (2020)
2) Trophy Kill (2021)
3) X 15087 (Single) (2022)
"I mean this sincerely, the best band to come from the dead corpse of this style of post hardcore in the past 2 years. When listening to old pxc stuff circa '03-'09 I'm always thinking 'they don't make em like this anymore'. It's a somber reality, but I believe if you look hard enough you can find people who feel the same way and have the inventiveness to rekindle pxc's flames. Each track holds the same level of potency, but is completely unique from each other. I've been patiently anticipating every bit of news ever since their very debut. Being that their most recent single just dropped today, a 'singles' post and a proper review would be appropriate."
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