Showing posts with label Iwishiwasraining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iwishiwasraining. Show all posts


Iwishiwasraining - 2023 - …But the Soil Beckons

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) And the Dam Finally Broke
2) From Here to Delco
3) Relying on the Reverb of the Room
4) The Husband at War Song


Iwishiwasraining - 2023 - Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Let the Wind Take What I Can't
2) The Concept of Disconnecting
3) The Lonesome Coffin Awaits...
4) Let the Rain Cleanse this Terrain
5) Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky


We'rethecurrency, Iwishiwasraining, & So Long... Partner - 2023 - Summer Split

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Lilies of the Valley
2) The Winter is My Only Guide
So Long... Partner
3) They All Look Like You


Iwishiwasraining - 2023 - When the Winter Gets Here, I Won’t Know What to Do - (Reviewed)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Everything’s Alive, but I’m Not breathing
2) The Summer is My Reminder
3) Nothings Okay, but That’s Okay
4) Penelope
5) Steve Carrell vs the World
6) October 25th
7) I Can’t Wait for the Spring
8) Give it a Rest

"The first album dropped yesterday, and I didn't anticipate this coming anywhere short of amazing. In their sound, you'll find a much more intimate experience, with both the somber twinkly guitars and emotionally strained vocals you come to expect in a Iwishiwasraining release. Easily these are some of their best songs, by the mere care and passion that went into them. It makes me wonder if there was any inspiration drawn from Russian/Ukrainian emocore. It's a great album, and any fan of the genre's current bands should definitely see what these guys cook up, because I really don't think anyone can do it quite like these fellas from Ohio."


Iwishiwasraining - 2021-2022 - Demo Tapes 1-3 - (Reviewed)

1) Campfire Song
2) Counting to a Billion
3) Have You Seen Me??
4) Long Story Short, it Was a Banana in My Pocket
5) An Excellent Day to Wither Away
6) I Miss the Comfort in Being Sad
7) Interlude
8) Good Mourning, Good Night
9) Turnpikes and Highways
10) So Long, Goodbye!
11) Cheese in a House of Vegans
12) I Drank a Redbull and it Didn't Give Me Wings
13) Crows Above
14) Bite Here
15) She Doesn't Like Merchant Ships? That's a Red Flag
16) Ifyoucouldreadmylockediphonenotesyouwouldcry
17) Are Shroom Moms the New Wine Moms?
18) The Great Departure of the 2000's
19) [Single] I Would Kill for My Chest to Stop Hurting (2022)

"This exceptional three piece band from Ohio brings with it a plethora of influence and creative ability. Songs are diverse, engaging, and overall just plain lovely (in my own words). Bedroom melancholia that is relaxed without breaking the fast and manic pace of expressive introspection. This is a great way to use elements of a genre to their full capabilities in telling a compelling narrative. One example; using a squacky-styled scream in some of the songs could come across as amateur for many (doesn't bother me too much, though it can sometimes), but the way in which they use it feels very deliberate; slowing it down, picking it back up, changing the pitch... the extent of their creativity is so fucking impressive in what they're able to express. A small detail among many that makes this demo a must amongst skramz bois out there. Also lyrics are super relatable lmao."