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Cover art for "The Ambient Girl Has Learned to Speak" has been updated to its official one. Thanks to Ivar for finding it!!!
Post can be found here.
Awesome news! The full release of Civilised's s/t has finally been found by Cameron! You're the GOAT! What seemed to be missing were just some intro tracks, but still is rad.
Post can be found here.
Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Watching From The Sidelines
2) Habits
3) It's Never Enough
4) I Think I've Heard This Before
5) Tell Me Now
6) A Sympathy Reverse
7) Autumn
I included files from an unofficial 2023 remaster by Jeff 9000 on YT; which he did a top notch job of remastering, with audio ripped straight from the CD. FLAC and mp3s are included.
Post can be found here.
HUGE news! Thanks to former member Joseph F., Casey Scores A Goal's discography has been found! I've deleted the previous posts since this release contains everything (minus an alternate recording of Junior Citizen's Rally that I included in the new post). Rest well Steve C., you were a talented guy. Donate to the Bandcamp page if you can, all proceeds go to ESYO on Steve's behalf.
Post can be found here.
Also, since Hydrophobia's music has been uploaded to streaming services, we have better cover art. That has been updated here.