
Missing Since Yesterday - 2013 - Misinterpretations/Paintings

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) What We Need
2) Dance Through the Halls
3) Arroz Con Leche
4) Joe
5) All the Cosmos
6) YR Full of Shit SRSLY
7) Inside Man
8) Ima River Yr a Pod
9) I Am the Ground
10) Crazed Clown
11) The World is an Art Piece
12) Inside and Out

Missing Since Yesterday - 2005 - We Are the Catalysts But We Will Be Consumed by These Events That Break Us All

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) With That Smile You'll Realize All the Discord Life Will Bring
2) Sweet Dreams Miss Memory
3) In Black and Flak We'll Disappear
4) Cutting the Arm Off a Salesman for the Sole Purpose of Shaking Hands
5) Gleaming Eyes Pass 2 AM

Sirena - 2013 - The Uncertainty Of Meaning

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Gray Matter
2) Eraserhead
3) Nashville
4) Bird Killer
5) Perseverance
6) It's Not the End of the World
7) Bloody Face
8) Empire Business


The Nightlife - 2023 - There's A New Sheriff In Town

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) All Grown Ups Are Pirates
2) Sorry I Had A Fight At Your Black Panther Party

The Nightlife - 2011 - Among Safe Secrets

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Burned By The French And Indians In 1690
2) Jesse Has A B.O. Fedish
3) The Hierarchy
4) Big Cats
5) Western Medicine


The Nightlife - 2010 - Silicone Sentries And Digital Dogs

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Seven Moments Of Sharp Reprise
2) Dance To This
3) The Make-Out Scene
4) Our Days Are Numbered
5) Your Red Hands
6) The Second Coming

The Nightlife - 2006 - If Only The Good Die Young, Than Our Days Are Numbered

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Seven Moments Of Sharp Reprise 
2) Dance To This
3) The Make-Out Scene
4) Our Days Are Numbered
5) Your Red Hands
6) The Second Coming

Cat-X - 2022 - Trapped State

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Мне всё равно
2) Страхи
3) Голоса
4) Last Day
5) Паранойя
6) Кислород
7) Who I Am
8) Следуй за мной
9) Инсомния
10) Руины


Cat-X - 2016 - Седьмой

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) С тобой
2) Так же как все
3) Лишь один шаг
4) Здесь меня не вспомнят

Cat-X - 2009 - Wind Of Changes

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Intro
2) Всё зачем жил
3) Ветер перемен
4) Никто не скажет нет
5) Последний удар сердца
6) Сломана любовь
7) Туда где тебя нет
8) Сердца друг с другом больше не живут
9) Одним движением рук
10) Всё зачем жил (Version 2)


Endicott - 2004 - The Words In Ink Don't Lie

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Ransom Note
2) Perfect Like Paper Knives
3) Sundowner
4) One Bleeding To Death
5) Chain Letter
6) The Black Anniversary
7) Waiting To Exhale
8) A Song For Hearts
9) Vanishing Point
10) Holding Cell
11) Death Sentence
12) Southbound

Endicott - 2001 - The Cascade

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Life At The Bottom
2) Comatose
3) Fairweather Tirade
4) Fist Full Of Sparks
5) Watershed


Rue Morgue - 2003 - Rue Morgue

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Intro
2) Last Decision
3) This Weak
4) Our Lives
5) In the End
6) Shattered Insides

Arlington Sleeps - 2008 - The Machine

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Welcome
2) Machines (EP Version)
3) Introduction
4) Nineteen Eighty Four
5) Post-Introduction
6) Pardon My Ghost
7) My Friend (The Piano Player)


Arlington Sleeps - 2009 - The Whole World Is Sleeping Sound

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Butcher
2) Machines
3) Plague Years
4) Earthmover: Mother
5) The Royal Breather
6) Kingdom
7) North
8) Atlas


On Paradise Boulevard - 2010 - The Great Shark Hunt

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Yard Dog
2) Streetwalker
3) Gunslinger
4) Ladymaker
5) Vagabon Voyage

File Updates - Alyria, Horse The Band


For a long time, TheGreatLine and I have been trying to get our hands on higher quality versions of Alyria's releases... and luckily, we did! Thanks a ton to Danielle F. for posting them to Bandcamp along with proper track listings, as well as to Ivar for help with the files!

Posts for the releases, including their original files/edits, can be found here and here.

Additionally, it turns out I was missing tracks from "R. Borax"'s 2007 re-release, so those have been added, thanks to Shadowknight1620 for the files!

I also updated track 2 on "Beautiful Songs by Men" to be designated as a demo version since I didn't know it was remade later on.


On Paradise Boulevard - 2007 - Apologize For Nothing

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Brother This Fire
2) Last Night
3) Fail Hope
4) From The Tops Of Trees
5) Gabby
6) Mr. Goodcat
7) Noise Track

Picket Line - 2005 - Chapter: End

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Arizona
2) Dancin'!
3) 8:16
4) The Black In White
5) Mid-Air Narcolepsy
6) Sunday Mistress
7) Forthetime
8) S.L.E.E.P.
9) Dearest You
10) End With This
11) Die The First
12) Untitled


Beloved - 2004 - The Running (Reissue)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Kiss It Goodbye
2) The Blue Period
3) Going Through The Motions
4) Before There Was You, There Was Everything
5) The Aftermath
6) Into Your Arms

File Updates - The Sunset Before She Died

Just updating the years to be more accurate. It's confirmed they formed in 2006 and broke up in February of 2008 shortly after renaming to Aristea. So I changed their S/T to be 2007 and their single 2008.

Posts can be found here and here.


Beloved - 2003 - Failure On

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Failure On My Lips
2) Only Our Faces Hide
3) Rise & Fall
4) Death To Traitors
5) Defect From Decay
6) Watching The Lines Blur
7) Inner Pattern
8) Aimless Endeavor
9) Allure
10) Insult To Injury

Beloved - 2000 - ...And So It Goes

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Today Is The Day
2) In Dreams
3) Things Change (And Apparently So Do People)
4) Restless Hearts
5) A Dear Friend
6) A Fallen Petal
7) I Love You Dearly
8) New Wine
9) Tears Of Blood
10) Outro


.crrust - 2005 - ...Doyouseekbeautyindirt

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Organica (EP Version)
2) Sleep Peals (EP Version)
3) Sound 15 (EP Version)
4) Test Drive (EP Version)
5) Infadeout (EP Version)


Horse The Band - 2003 - R. Borlax (Original & 2007 Reissue)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Seven Tentacles and Eight Flames
2) Cutsman
3) In The Wake of the Bunt
4) Stabbers of the Knife, by Kenny Pelts
5) Bunnies
6) Purple
7) Handsome Shoved His Glove
8) The Immense Defecation of the Bunt
9) Pol's Voice
10) Big Blue Violence
11) The Legend of the Flower of Woe
12) Kangarooster 4057

Horse The Band - 2001 - Secret Rhythm of the Universe

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) The Club
2) Salvation Army
3) Sitcom #3
4) The Kangarooster Bekons
5) The Ambiguous Camel
6) Dissonant
7) James II
8) The Epic of Port Gunnell I: The Secret Rhythm of the Universe
9) The Epic of Port Gunnell II: Port Gunnell
10) The Epic of Port Gunnell III: Our New Horn

Nights In Fire - 2007 - Dark And Desperate Times

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Alive For The Last Time
2) Dressed In Solace
3) Blood Like Wine
4) Born To Die
5) Walk The Plank
6) The Thousand Years
7) We Will Prevail
8) All Hope Was Lost
9) The Dead Are Judged


Post Roman - 2006 - This Canvas, A Vessel

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) It's Okay To Travel By Submarines
2) This Devil Speaks In Riddles
3) For The Love Of Victorian Meddling
4) Mica In Old English
5) Blurred Vision Is Now Common
6) Clear The Coast
7) The Gin Tiger Waltz
8) Blank Mirror Face
9) Rosetta
10) Of Circles In Water


The Milkshake Strategy - 2010 - Demos

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) I Never Repeat Myself, I Never Repeat Myself (Demo)
2) The Tables Have Turned (Demo)
3) You're Gonna Hate Everything In An Hour (Demo)


Athena Surrender - 2005 - Don't Cry It's Only A Joke

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Bob Crane Lives!
2) Nick Ring Rose Yacht Salesmen
3) Here Comes The Purple
4) A Son Is No Replacement For A Lover
5) To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed

My Favourite Co-Pilot - 2003 - South Drive

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Kiss Me I'm Bleeding
2) Falling Not Flying
3) Everything
4) Your Voice
5) In Theory
6) A Memory Of You
7) Ex-Miss Wyoming
8) Would You?
9) Kiss Me I'm Bleeding (Acoustic Version)


Maesion - 2013 - Dead, White, And Blue

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Trenches
2) Fox Trot
3) Dead, White, And Blue
4) Home Bound
5) The Mine Field
6) Battalion
7) Brothers


Maesion - 2012 - They Are The Vultures

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) They Are The Vultures
2) Vader Bomb
3) The Lion's Den
4) Hellcat
5) Martial Law
6) The Vultures Are Here
7) Big Eye's Demise
8) Wolf Tactics
9) Rough Divide
10) The Cut

Maesion - 2010 - I Am Atlas

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Release The Kraken
2) Pillars Of Hercules
3) The Frozen Wastes
4) Cronus Vs. The Ocean
5) The Apparition
6) Blueprints Of Icarus
7) The Land Of The Lotus Eaters
8) Poseidon, My Enemy
9) [Single] Pools Are Great For Holding Water (2009)


The Invocation - 2007 - Prevent This Day

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Intro
2) Salvation
3) American Hearts
4) Gatlinburg In Despair
5) Ugly Boy
6) Response To A Lyrical Liar
7) Love Is Dead
8) Red All Over
9) Ben's Song
10) Last Call
11) Prevent This Day
12) Pick My Poison


Take Me Home - 2010 - I Hate It When It Kills Me

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Intro
2) Debbie Called (She's Pissed)
3) Clothesline City
4) Interlude
5) The Sleepers Stanza
6) The Language Of Birds
7) Define; Avail


A Rose For Ona - 2002 - Demo

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Beliefs, Betrayal
2) Not So Happy Ending
3) Love is for Chumps, Hi My Name is Chump
4) The Truth About Liars
5) Uselessness and You
6) Dear Distance


Broken Horizon - 2004 - Falling Angels

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Graves Runaway
2) Tomorrow's Gone
3) Yesterday
4) Eyes Wide Shut
5) My Bleeding Heart
6) Expecting Change
7) From Within
8) Losing
9) Come & Gone
10) Memories In Time


Farewell To Twilight - 2018 - 16 Tracks

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Blind As Braille
2) Please.Open.Parachute
3) The Burning House
4) It's Blood(comma)(space)You Know
5) Can You Understand This?
6) The Forecast For the Rest of the Year Looks Pretty Grim
7) This Town is a Rumor
8) Trouble at Home, Troubles Abroad
9) And the Whole World Cringed
10) Our Guaranteed Existence
11) I Walk to the Woods and There I Will Stay
12) Creation.Devotion.Extinction
13) Georgia Howls
14) Rust Under the Bridge
15) The Tree Against the Thunder
16) One More Year


The Suicide Pact - 2006 - The Softer Side... Of Suicide/B-Sides

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) The Problem With Distance
2) Erasing States
3) Asleep at the Wheel
4) The Freshmen
5) Fireflies
6) The Edge of Forever
7) 3rd and Pine
8) A Definite Maybe
9) Fate Never Changes
10) There's Blood on My Wing
11) [Bonus Demo] That's What You Get for Caring (Demo) (2003 - Demo)

The Suicide Pact - 2005 - All My Friends Still Have Dead Ends

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp . Soundcloud
1) I'll Be Colt Seavers
2) Miles of Silence
3) Pieces Never Missed
4) Making Girls Cry
5) Wisconsin
6) That's What You Get for Caring

Universal Order Of Armageddon - 1996 - Universal Order Of Armageddon

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Visible Distance
2) Switch Is Down
3) Stepping Softly Into
4) Clear Set
5) Benedict
6) No Longer Stranger
7) Flux
8) Symptom
9) Painfully Obvious
10) Close to Far Away
11) Entire Vast Situation
12) City
13) Four Measure Start
14) Mud
15) Fence Song


File Updates - A Modest Promise

Simple name change from "4 Song EP" to "4 Song Demo"; thanks to former band member Colinsdot for the info!

Post can be found here.


A Modest Promise - 2002 - A Modest Promise

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Life On Elliston
2) Twenty-Four-Seven
3) Waiting For You
4) Chasing A Reason
5) Last Fall
6) Jamie In Saddle Shoes

A Modest Promise - 2004 - 4 Song Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Souncloud
1) Forensic Romantic
2) An Icarus Effect
3) Cowboy Killers
4) In the Wake of the Plague


A Modest Promise - 2003 - Confessing My Love To The Firing Squad

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) We All Need Mirrors To Remind Ourselves Who We Really Are
2) The Vanishing Act
3) Screaming Doesn't Solve Everything
4) Sleep Through Summer
5) Dead On A Rival
6) For The Next Ever
7) Living Under Powerlines
8) Six Ways To Get Over You
9) It's Not You... It's Me
10) Nothing To Nothing
11) Tragedy In Denmark

File Updates - Flee The Seen

I got higher quality mp3s for "Doubt Becomes The New Addiction" as well as FLACs. Thanks to deviusdavius on slsk for the files.

Also, edited some id3s for "Sound Of Sirens" to differentiate the different versions of tracks 5 and 7.

Posts can be found here and here.


Escape From Reason - 2002 - Reinforced

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Love Letter From Anna
2) The Struggles Between the Two Hemispheres of Right and Wrong
3) To Play With Chance

So Concerned - 2023 - Where's the Pisser & What's Your Mom's Phone #

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Untitled #7
3) The Ninth Circle
4) Peace in Violence
5) Actors

So Concerned - 2023 - A Handful of Recipes for Sorrow

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Destroy Power, Not People
2) Splattered
3) 2006 Standard Toyota Corolla
4) The Fine Art of Misandry
5) I'd Like to Thank My Mom
6) Compos Mentis
7) Neutered, Spayed
8) Next Time You Come Around
9) Something You Don't Know
10) That Time Jared and I Got a Drumset Then Both Went Inside Denny's and Both Ordered Grand Slammwiches


Stewart - 2002 - Come Back to Misoury

1) End for Me
2) Your Move
3) Soccer Camp
4) Broken Dreams and Smoke Rings
5) Untitled
6) A Letter I Once Wrote...