Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
3) Blame it on Boston
Bad news,
My D Drive crapped out so I got today's post (it's a really good one) and another queued up on my C Drive, otherwise I won't be uploading until I fix it. The archive and my data should be fine, just technical stuff.
If you need me I'll be playing Soul Reaver 2 in the meantime lol.
Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Heaven Could Hope
2) Roses To The Wind
3) Chasing Eternity
4) Bleeding Hearts
5) Love Letter From A Friend
The "Unknown Song" has been identified as "Her Bright Skies - Synapse Year (2006)". I've removed it from the post, and updated the id3's accordingly. That track is now on the proper release from them.
Post can be found here.
Thanks to the finding of their actual S/T release, I've updated the previous post to be named as their demo along with id3's. All the credit to rsJack for finding this, and Heathcliff for sending it my way!
Post can be found here.