
Conlon - 2010 - Demo

1) Like People,
2) The Difference Between Dimes and Nickels
3) This Year's for You

Conlon - 2010 - Live Songs

1) The Day of The Draft
2) I Hope We All Catch on Fire


The Red Affair - 2004 - Kingdom

1) Prince With 1000 Enemies
2) Mea Cupla
3) Eviscerate The Sun
4) Tax Evasion

Pollution People (Duck Duck Goose) - 2011 - Future Trash

1) Intro
2) Panic Hands
3) I'm Scally
4) Gnashing Of Teeth
5) Going Ghost
6) Army Arms
7) Amputee


Duck Duck Goose - 2008 - Noise, Noise And More Noise

1) Brother John's Revenge
2) Red, I Don't Have Time For This...
3) Stow After The Bar
4) Wonderful Wizard Of LSD
5) Boy Oh Boy, I Ain't No Wiz Kid
8) Sgt. Slaughter

Duck Duck Goose - 2010 - Off Yourself

1) Documenting Disappointment
2) Shitstorm
3) Hellevator
4) I Came, Come
5) Cosmic Kidd Nappers
6) Dirt Freaks
7) Firetrucks On Fire
8) Pollution People


Halos And Hoverboards - 2015 - Clue

1) An Introduction
2) Tampa Bay Lightning
3) The Things You Do
4) A Hartford Welcome
5) You're In Michigan (and I'm a Dying Breed)
6) Cigarettes (2k14)
7) Am98
8) Karma

Old Gray - 2013 - An Autobiography

1) Wolves
2) Coventry
3) The Artist
4) Show Me How You Self Destruct
5) The Graduate
6) Emily's First Communion
7) I Still Think About Who I Was Last Summer
8) My Life With You, My Life Without You

Old Gray - 2012 - Everything I Let Go & The Things I Refuse To

1) 359 Pine
2) Resonance
3) Winter '11
4) Six Years

Old Gray - 2016 - Slow Burn

1) Pulpit .
2) Communion
3) Blunt Trauma
4) Everything Is in Your Hands
5) Razor Blade
6) I
7) Like Blood from a Stone
8) II
9) Given up to You
10) A Letter for Zach
11) On Earth, as It Is in Heaven


Vanna - 2006 - The Search Party Never Came

1) A Dead Language for a Dying Lady
2) That Champagne Feeling
3) I Am the Wind, You Are the Feather
4) Schadenfreude
5) The Search Party Never Came
6) She's a Real Battleaxe

A Day In The Life (Hawthorne Heights) - 2001 - Nine Reasons To Say Goodbye

1) The Death Of A Dream
2) Control Alt Delete
3) Do You Have A Map, Because I'm Lost In Your Eyes
4) The Girl That Destroyed Me
5) Candy Canes And Cola
6) Audrey In Sacramento
7) Photograph
8) Until Her Heart Stops
9) I'm Not Crying, My Eyeballs Are Sweating
10) [Bonus Track] Mean Machine (2003 - Paper Chromatography: The Fade from Dark to Light)

"Included the track Mean Machine, since it was previously missing and figured it'd be appropriate to put it here instead of the split. Thanks to I Have Dreams Too for finding it!"


Vanna - 2005 - This Will Be Our Little Secret

1) I Am the Wind, You Are the Feather (EP Version)
2) Magnetic Knives
3) City Boys... Goddamn!
4) A Dead Language for a Dying Lady (EP Version)
5) Red Hands, Blue River

Thursday - 2010 - Doves

1) Hide from the Orchestra
2) Common Existence 
3) Fake Nostalgia
4) Fuck you, I'm in Space
5) The Worst Vow

The Little Explorer - 2013 - Siderali

1) Harmonics
2) A Fork In The Road
3) Lampshades For Neo-Tokyo
4) Glued
5) Spares
6) 35 Summers
7) Noddy
8) Global Nod
9) Siderali

The Little Explorer - 2006 - Chair Legs

1) Chair Legs
2) Air! Displace This Smoke


A Day In The Life (Hawthorne Heights), Hit The Lights, & The Red Affair - 2004 - From Ohio With Love

A Day In The Life (Hawthorne Heights)
1) Angels With Even Filthier Souls
2) Skyline Fever
3) Apparently, Hoverboards Don't Work On Water
4) The Mild Effects Of An MAO Inhibitor
5) The Flux Capacitor
Hit The Lights
6) At 6:00, We Go Live
7) Head Over Heels
8) All Or Nothing
9) Loose Lips Sink Ships
The Red Affair
10) A Place I Call Nowhere
11) Timed Arrival
12) Might As Well Burn
13) Watch Me Stop


Greenacre - 2008 - Demo

1) The Race
2) How To Draw The Line
3) Night And The City

The Little Explorer - 2003 - The Little Explorer

1) Ears To The Ground
2) From Five
3) Sense Of Smell
4) Blood Runs Blue
5) Play Softer
6) Throwing Salt
7) Cloud Cover
8) Turner's Dance


The Little Explorer - 2004 - Sky/Moon

1) The Fool Looks At The Finger That Points To The Sky
2) Somehow The Moon Got Lost Along The Way 

Thursday - 1999 - Waiting

1) Porcelain
2) This Side Of Brightness
3) Ian Curtis
4) Introduction
5) Streaks In The Sky
6) In Transmission
7) Dying In New Brunswick
8) The Dotted Line
9) Where The Circle Ends

Thursday - 2005 - A City By The Light Divided Demos

1) At This Velocity (Demo)
2) Telegraph Avenue Kiss (Demo)
3) The Other Side Of The Crash/Over And Out (Of Control) (Demo)
4) Autumn Leaves Revisited (Demo)
5) Last Call (Demo)


Showbread - 2004 - No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical

1) A Llama Eats A Giraffe (And Vice Versa)
2) Dead By Dawn
3) Mouth Like A Magazine
4) If You Like Me Check Yes, If You Don't I'll Die
5) Sampsa Meets Kafka
6) So Selfish It's Funny
7) The Missing Wife
8) Welcome To Plainfield Tobe Hooper
9) And The Smokers And Children Shall Be Cast Down
10) Stabbing Art To Death
11) The Dissonance Of Discontent
12) Matthias Replaces Judas
13) The Bell Jar

Showbread - 2000 - Human Beings Are Too Shallow To Fall In Love

1) I Had Music In My Heart, But Now My Heart Is Broken (EP Version)
2) A Better World (EP Version)
3) Letters To April
4) Cry For Help (2000)
5) Dreams Do Not Come True

Hopes Die Last - 2009 - Six Years Home

1) Some Like It Cold
2) Ever The Same, And Always Will Be
3) Call Me Sick Boy
4) An Endless Serenade
5) Under This Red Sky
6) Good Mourning, Honey
7) Consider Me Alive
8) Stuck Inside My Head
9) Johnny's Light Sucks
10) Six Years Home


As Cities Burn - 2002 - Demo

1) The New In Bloom
2) Just Another Addict
3) To Dust By Tyler
4) All To Make Us Safe With You


As Cities Burn - 2004 - As Cities Burn (2)

1) Love At Our Throats
2) 1:27
3) The Nothing That Kills
4) [Bonus Demo] Of Want And Misery: The Nothing That Kills (Demo) (2004)

As Cities Burn - 2003 - As Cities Burn

1) A Breath Of Water
2) Straight Aways To Get Away
3) Far Too Long
4) The Sickness Of Your Memory
5) Higher Than I


When I Say Jump - 2019-2022 - Singles

1) King Of Thessaly (2019)
2) Chomsky! Dextro (2020)
3) Judas (The Rhythm Of Defeat) (2022)

I Set My Friends On Fire - 2010 - Astral Rejection (Original)

1) Phantasmagoria (Intro)
2) Excite Dyke (Original)
3) Narcissismfof (Original)
4) Party at the Moon Tower
5) Cantaloupe the Antelope
6) Astral Rejection (Original)
7) Infinite Suck (Original)
8) Reborphin
9) Commit to the Hypothetical
10) The Zenith Anniversary Stab

I Set My Friends On Fire - 2008 - You Can't Spell Laughter Without Laughter

1) Shit It Talks... I'm Out Of Here
2) Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
3) Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beerholder
4) Things That Rhyme With Orange
5) ASL
6) Interlude
7) Ravenous, Ravenous, Rhinos
8) HXC 2-Step
10) Crank That
11) But The Nuns Are Watching...
12) Reese's Pieces, I Don't Know Who John Cleese Is?


In Reverent Fear - 2003 - Written in the A.M.

1) Bright Eyes Under Blue Night Skies
2) Yearbook Signing Party
3) Santa Ana
4) Madison
5) Fold And Tear
6) The Beggers
7) Stick Figure Makeover
8) It Tastes Like Water
9) 18

In Reverent Fear - 2000 - Living a Life in Debt to Another

1) Only for a Season
2) Precious
3) On Heavenly Wings
4) Sparing Autumn
5) [Bonus Demo] Unreleased (2001)


Penknifelovelife - 2006 - Porphyria's Lover

1) Porphyria's Lover
2) It's 2AM and I Saw Her Body Cavort The Lake Bed
3) There's Nothing More Romantic Than Watching The World Die (Radio Sessions Live)
4) Porphyria's Lover (Radio Sessions Live)
5) It's 2AM and I Saw Her Body Cavort The Lake Bed (Radio Sessions Live)

Penknifelovelife - 2005 - There Is Nothing More Romantic Than Watching The World Die

1) On The Contrary, Everything Is Going To Be Bad
2) Jodie Ingram Will Kill Anyone With A Heart
3) There Is Nothing More Romantic Than Watching The World Die
4) Just Enough Newspaper Cutouts Left (To Know Who This Is About)
5) Touch Me Again And I Will Stab A Screwdriver Into Your Face

File Updates - Penknifelovelife, Grace Gale

Along with uploading the rest of Penknifelovelife's discography (set for tomorrow), I also updated the "Misc. Demos (2004-2006)" post with additional tracks and fixed ID3's.
Additionally, I found lossless files of  Grace Gale's "A Few Easy Steps to Secure Heli-Camel Safety".



Blinded Black - 2012-2013 - Misc. Demos

1) Shining Through (2012)
2) Gateway Getaway (2012)
3) Oldies (2012)
4) Zach (2013)

Blinded Black - 2007 - Under The Sunrise

1) Intro
2) Death Is Never Permanent
3) Under The Sunrise
4) Set In Stone
5) Can You Hear Me Now
6) A Perfect Murder
7) Time Is All We Got
8) Behind The Scenes
9) The Process Of Eliminating Options
10) Figments Of Your Imagination
11) The Greed In You


Blinded Black - 2006 - Sealed With A Stitch

1) Razorblades & Handgrenades
2) Hopeless Boy
3) Say Goodbye
4) Hidden Secrets
5) Your Worst Mistake
6) All My Pain
7) Stabbed in the Back (Set In Stone)
8) [Single] War On Revenge (2006)

Books Lie - Weep (2002)

1) Honkified Nightmare 
2) Oh So Pretty Apolitical And Really Fucking Irrelevant 
3) Bobby's Got A Nosebleed 
4) More Concept Than Conscience 
5) Letter To My Psychiatrist 
6) Fried Chicken And Exorcisms 
7) Weep 
8) Death Of An American Badass 
9) It Doesn't Take A Brain Surgeon 
10) 101 Dumb Notions 
11) Fire Is Free 
12) Thoughts On Fucking 
13) They Call It Criminal


Nevea Tears - 2003 - Demo

1) Sky Of London
2) Fly
3) Driving
4) Untitled (Fire in The Isle Demo)

Dicember (Saving Joshua) - 2007 - My Dying Days

1) One False Step
2) Disappear (Am I Gone Now?)
3) I Follow, You Lead
4) My Dying Days
5) Untitled


From First To Last - 2004 - Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count

1) Soliloquy
2) The One Armed Boxer Vs. The Flying Guillotine
3) Note To Self
4) I Liked You Better Before You Were Naked On The Internet
5) Featuring Some Of Your Favorite Words
6) Emily
7) Secrets Don't Make Friends
8) Populace In Two
9) Kiss Me, I'm Contagious
10) Minuet
11) Ride The Wings Of Pestilence
12) Dead Baby Kickball
13) [Single] Failure By Designer Jeans (2005 - Punk-O-Rama 10)

A Thorn For Every Heart - 2004 - Things Aren't So Beautiful Now

1) 99 With An Anchor
2) February
3) A Night To Remember, A Morning To Forget
4) Next Of Kin
5) The Prediction
6) Streetcar
7) Summer So Bleak
8) Pretty When You Cry
9) Things Aren't So Beautiful Now (Part I)
10) Things Aren't So Beautiful Now (Part II)

Senses Fail - 2019 - If There Is Light, It Will Find You Demos

1) Double Cross (Demo)
2) Elevator to the Gallows (Demo)
3) New Jersey Makes, The World Takes (Demo)
4) Gold Jacket, Green Jacket... (Demo)
5) First Breath, Last Breath (Demo)
6) Ancient Gods (Demo)
7) Is It Gonna Be the Year? (Demo)
8) You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense (Demo)
9) Orlando and a Miscarriage (Demo)
10) Shaking Hands (Demo)
11) Stay What You Are (Demo)
12) If There Is Light, It Will Find You (Demo)
13) Penny Party
14) Total Mess


A Day's Refrain - 2002 - A Day's Refrain

1) Stand By
2) We Grow Numb
3) Longest Five Miles
4) When You're Done Screaming
5) Rebecca
6) D1
7) No Trade Backs
8) Photo Album
9) In Retrospect
10) Are You Listening or Just Waiting for Your Turn to Speak?
11) May 18th
12) Statistic

Forstella Ford - 2003 - Well Versed in Deception

1) Ground Noise
2) Lesson in Accomplishment
3) I Can Get Away With Anything
4) Indication by Demonstration
5) What the World Needs Now
6) Deep Six
7) Momentum
8) Impulse

Wow, Owls! - 2005 - Pick Your Pieces

1) 1989: The Best Four Years Of My Life
2) Your New Favorite Song
3) Five Sexy Alligators, Please
4) I'll Be Your Huckleberry
5) Destination: Pizza
6) Houston, We Have a Drinking Problem
7) Chris, Did You Ruin The Dance Party?
8) Saccharine For My Sweetie
9) Nominative Was the Case They Gave Me

The Avenging Disco Godfathers Of Soul - 2002 - The Ultimate in Authenticity and Musical Usefulness

1) Somewhere In The Arteries
2) Caribbean Knife Fight
3) Invisible Jacket
4) Reflex Point
5) Revelations Part 2
6) Headache In My Ass
7) The Clone Chamber
8) Witch Hunt
9) Revelations
10) Burned At The Stake

Thoughts Paint The Sky - 2009 - Hier Spielt Die Musik

1) Haarspalterei 2.0
2) Pustekuchen 
3) Kleiner Drei
4) Bis Zum Geht-Nicht-Mehr
5) Da Kann Ich Ein Lied Von Singen

Today I Caught The Plague - 2008 - Ms. Mary Mallon

1) The Artisan Movement
2) Columbella
3) The Curious Lives of Human Cadavera
4)The God City Gunfight
5) Dearest Deliah,
6) Dead Girls Don't Smile