We Are The Cavalry - 2006-2007 - Misc. Demos
Ahimsa Sunrise - 2005 - The Viceroy and the Monarch
Ahimsa Sunrise - 2008 - The Unseen Realm
File Updates - The Academy Is...
The EP post now includes two demos recorded in the summer of 2003, as well as "Momento Mori" being in better quality.
The Academy Is... - 2005 - Almost Here
2 O'Clock Girlfriend - 2006 - A Tale Of Two Cities (Original & 2020 Remaster)
2 O'Clock Girlfriend - 2005 - Demo
Øjne & Rainmaker - 2015 - Rainmaker/Øjne
Øjne & Улыбайся Ветру - 2014 - Øjne-/Улыбайся Ветру
File Updates - Gotham City Heart Attack, The Amity Affliction
Included 320 versions of "The Archives" instead of straight up 192kbps rips off of YT. Huge props to acolyle (trying to include the names of people for credit the best I can here).
I know I just posted it the other day but Noise gave me a heads up of a different "demo" version of "Severance" from their debut split, so that's included as well in the post.
Man In The Shadow - 2001 - Man In The Shadow
The Amity Affliction - 2010 - Glory Days
File Updates - Pianos Become The Teeth, Upon Clouds, One Morning Left
Whatever the problem was, it seems to be fixed and reinstated by Blogger themselves... however with a catch; it was a very old backup they put up for the Artists page (back to 5/17/2020 specifically).
Therefore, I spent the day editing it to be up-to-date which took a quite a long while. Now I know to stay on my toes by getting backups of the site on my pc just in case this ever happens again.
- (To anyone who didn't see it, the Artist and Country pages were temporarily down/removed by Blogger because of a violation of ToS yesterday which according to them had to do with "Malware or Viruses"? I made a post regarding it but I have since taken it down because it's cleared).
Just to ensure my time wasn't wasted, I did some file updating while I was at it:
- "Saltwater" now includes scans courtesy of boulderdashcci
- Weba>mp3 on "Fields"
- Lossless (format) rips of "Panda <3 Penguin" from BeeDee2; and merged both posts bc Vol. 2 is basically just a reissue.
Resume to your regular music browsing.
Seeyouspacecowboy & If I Die First - 2021 - A Sure Disaster
Underoath - 1999 - Act of Depression
Underoath - 2000 - Cries of the Past
Underoath - 2006 - Define The Great Line (w/ 2020 Live Recordings)
Underoath - 2004 - The Goldman Demos
Underoath - 2004 - They're Only Chasing Safety (Original, 2005 Reissue, & 2021 Live Recordings)
Hey, Ily - 2021 - Internet Breath
Vanna - 2005 - Demo
Hey, Ily - 2021 - (/ _ ; )
Road To Emmaus - 2000 - Demo
Road To Emmaus - 2001 - ...This Winter Will End
We're so happy we can share our library with so many people. To us, and many others, our music libraries can be considered our most valuable asset… and trust me, when you're working with so much data at a time, you realize it's value. So it always has been, always is, always will be blessed when we can use the platforms we have to express our passion for music.
I want to do more reviews and provide more substance, at the moment we're working out concepts for 'genre' pages that are more informative on what genres actually mean than what we got right now (better accessibility features).
That's all I gotta say for now, thank you all, seriously. We hope we can continue to share what we cherish.
Also, keep an eye out for these oncoming releases:
- May 7th - Mt. Ida - Mt. Ida
- May 14th - Seeyouspacecowboy/If I Die First - A Sure Disaster
- Sometime this month? - In.Her.Head - Carved Wrists In Retrospect
With Love,
-Joemoo and Noiseonfire
I Spoke - 2003 - Faith In Chaos
File Updates - I Spoke
Updated 320 versions of "The Forgotten EP", "Autobiography", and a "A Collective Journey". Extra tracks included in adjacent releases as well.
I also queued up Faith In Chaos and Now & Then to be available for download tomorrow!
Палисад - 2016 - Истории
Underoath - 2002 - The Changing of Times
Taking Back Sunday - 2002 - Tell All Your Friends (Original & 2019 Remaster)
A Heartwell Ending - 2006 - Myspace Demos (Reviewed)
Bucketfull - 1993 - Bucketfull
Tear Down December - 2004 - Misc. Demos
Tear Down December - 2004 - A Cry From The Ambulance
Heart Shed - 2006 - The Emphatic Fall
Tear Down December - 2007 - At The Mercy Of Storms
Medusa'scream - 2005 - [Demo]нстрация
Mikoto - 2008 - We Are The Architects
File Updates - Sydney
Included demo versions of tracks 2 and 8 from their 2005 demo thanks to Bernie!
Original "debut s/t" post updated.
Mikoto - 2004 - The End Of The Beginning
Mikoto - 2005 - Mikoto
Taken - 2001 - And They Slept
Taken - 2004 - Between Two Unseens
Taken - 2008 - This Is Forever (Japanese Edition)
Heccra - 2011-2017 - Misc. Demos
Heccra - 2013 - Pizza Is Emo
A Cutthroat Kiss - 2002 - Upon Our Last Night
7) Dear Friends
Heccra - 2012 - The Last Weekend of Summer
Heccra - 2015 - The Devil-Faces Of My Old Friends, Beneath Me
William Bonney - 2018 - All Ten
File Updates - William Bonney
Good morning everyone!
Found lossless format for one of my favorite albums, "Good Vibes", and also added in an acoustic version of monster in the "Fall Demo" post which was taken from a bonus track on their 2013 "All Our Songs".
File Updates - Rekah, Uzmi Ruke, A Vain Attempt
Rekah released a new single just yesterday so I've updated that "Singles" post too, they say they have a full length album on the way so I'm hyped!
Fixed some inconsistencies and included more songs for A Vain Attempt's "Misc. Demos" post and updated Uzmi Ruke's "Demo" and "Self Titled" through the same webm>mp3 method.