1) Chugga Fucking Chug (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
2) Dance Dance (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
3) Hahahaha (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
4) Hyr00l (Rough) (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
5) Prada Armada (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
6) Hairy Monster (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
7) Wecamewithbrokeneardrums (2008 - Unreleased Fagsongs)
8) Peet Practice (Crystal Castles Cover) (2008 - Far Too Faggoty To Be Officially Released)
9) Vampire Freaks (2008 - Far Too Faggoty To Be Officially Released)
10) The Zelda Song (Hyr00l) (2009 - Demo '09)
11) The Sonic Song (2009 - Demo '09)
12) The Sailing Song (2009 - Demo '09)
13) The Sephiroth Song (2009 - Demo '09)
14) The Gourmet Guy Song (2009 - Demo '09)
15) The River City Ransom Song (2009 - Demo '09)
16) The Metal Gear Song (Rough) (2009 - Demo '09)
17) The Balloon Fight Song (Big Fish, Small Pond) (2009 - Demo '09)
18) Rainbow Road (2009 - Demo '09)