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6) Lanterns
As it turns out, the other demo track for Everyday At Sinai was on the mp3.com archive this whole time! I've updated the misc. demos post to be just "The Brontosaurus" EP from 2005. I'll upload the demo, "Genesis Of A Beautiful" separately.
Post can be found here.
Quick fix for cover art on track 2, that's all.
Post can be found here.
Some changes I forgot; as it turns out their debut demo was actually 2 songs by their former band, Epicure. I've also found/recreated cover art for "Memory All Revision" (now confirmed to be a Self Titled), and "There You Are".
Thanks to Eeyoredurden for the information!
A huge find! Apparently "The Silent Treatment" was an incomplete release this whole time without anyone noticing. Thanks to Chase for finding track 4, along with original drummer Steve P. for the information!
Post can be found here.
3 Updates:
Last batch of file updates going through my library... at long last! Most of these, again, are id3 updates for genres, inconsistent labels, etc.
Also, on the Artist page, I've ordered the bands in Cyrillic to be placed alphabetically as the computer reads them (i.e., Cyrillic name first, English second). By order this they'll be at the bottom of A-Z right before the Numericals and you won't have to Ctrl+F or guess the English name on the list anymore in order to find them (oversight, sorry lol).