
The December Drive - 2003 - Handslikegunsandcrashingsounds - (Reviewed)

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1) 1422
2) Buffalo Wing Diplomacy
3) No Remembering
4) & Regret
5) And Now We Justify Your Criticism
6) This Side You've Never Seen
7) The Great Awakening
8) Set And Forgotten
9) Enough
10) 1426

"It's my most favorite midwest emo band what will make you cry to the last tear, i promise you. If you're fan of Thursday and Mineral, you'll definitely like them. Favorite tracks are 1422, Buffalo Wing Diplomacy and And Now We Justify Your Criticism."


  1. Breakfast Pizza11/30/2020

    They are actually from McAllen, Texas. Probably the biggest band to make it from there. I'm from a town right next to McAllen.

    There's a great documentary made by the drummer called As I Walk Through The Valley. I think it's on Amazon now. Thanks for the uploads

    1. No kidding!! Cool stuff, I'm sure it makes it even more meaningful to listen to local bands. I like how the "Midwest emo" bands don't always come from the Midwest, it's just a certain sound after all.

      I'll check out the doc when I get the chance and FWD it to Noise, thanks!


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