
Anterrabae - 2001 - I'm Sorry Is Never Enough

1) Her Face Was a Study in Martyred Innocence (Demo)
2) Empress of One (The Anti-Rock Revolution)
3) Curfew, Alcohol and Other Jealousy Related Incidents (Demo)

By A Thread - 1999 - The Last of the Daydreams

1) Surface
2) Castle
3) Fade
4) A Stale Goodbye
5) Skin Deep
6) Untitled
7) Walkaway
8) The World To Me
9) Crushed Beneath
10) January 25th
11) Pheadra

Rosetta - 2005 - The Galilean Satellites

1) Départe/Deneb
2) Europa/Capella
3) Absent-Beta Aquilae
4) Itinérant-Ross 128
5) Au Pays Natal-Sol


Rosetta - 2003 - Demo

1) Chorus One (Départe Demo)
2) Noise One (Rain Falling on a Factory Roof)
3) Europa (Demo)
4) Noise Two (The Tide)


It's not that I'm out of music to post here, but I want to share my favorite music, and am no longer going to limit myself to artists that I presume won't be copyrighted due to their obscurity. Hence, Noise and I will be uploading whatever we want, regardless of that.

Our website is to not take away money from the bands that we present here, we want you to support them directly through their bandcamps and other sources. As said, we will taken anything down if the respectful copyright owner contracts us and requests that they do. We do not make money or run ads on here or our Youtube, because we do not own the rights and therefore it wouldn't be right to profit. We do this for the love of it.

Meanwhile, enjoy what we have on here. Our goal is to make this music as accessible as possible, meaning we don't want money to be a deterrent for people who want good quality audio files.


Single State Of Man - 2008 - Single State Of Man

1) 4312
2) You Are In My Blind Spot
3) I Can't Be Your Embassy
4) Let's Cruise Frankee
5) Wall-Mount
6) Olivia Pascal Story

Kontrapunkt & Single State Of Man - 2006 - Kontrapunkt/Single State Of Man

1) Spiegelkabinett
2) Viel Rauch um Nichts
Singe State Of Man
3) We Are Humans And Not Cyborgs


Anterrabae - 2006 - And Our Heart Beat In Our Fingertips, Without Reason

1) Pink and Tender
2) Stay Moist
3) It Takes More Than Metal To Move A Bull
4) An Albatross Around The Neck
5) The Filthy Habits of Ex Lovers
6) Investigating The Phantom Signal
7) Viper
8) I Lifted Her Dress Over Her Head And Unscrewed Her Leg
9) Shit Happens When You Party Naked
10) A Shovel For Arch Stanton
11) My Wrists Are Rivers, My Fingers Are Words
12) The Hands Of Christ Are Beautiful Hands

Anterrabae - 2004 - Shakedown Tonight

1) How Joey Got His Groove Back
2) Dressed To Thrill
3) Curfews, Alcohol And Other Jealousy Related Incidents
4) Clever Shoplifting Tactics
5) Etcetera
6) Ready Set Explode!
7) Her Face Was A Study In Martyred Innocence
8) Engage Catch Phrase
9) Nevertheless She Was A Mess
10) Mending Tones From Vowels And Frowns
11) CA Speech Goodbye


First Too Last (From First To Last) - 2003 - Two

1) Broken Hearts Forever Baby
2) I Know I'll Never

First Too Last (From First To Last) - 2000 - The Silent Treatment

1) Day By Day
2) 17 Long Years
3) The Beam (Matt Good Acoustic)
4) Tomorrow

File Updates - From First To Last / First Too Last

I am happy to say I recently discovered From First To Last's releases whilst they were under the name (First Too Last) pre 2003. Since on their official wikipedia page it is updated that their formation was in 1999, I'll label these releases as such.

Also, I found lossless versions of Aesthetic (as well as the demos from the Aesthetic Demos). So go to that post if it interests you.



Kid On Moon - 2020 - Keep Your Eyes Closed

1) In My Hell
2) Hate Everything
3) Too Many Years in the Cage of Mind
4) 7 Steps to Die
5) The Black Wall 
6) Can't Deny 
7) Something Else
8) Watching with No Eyes
9) Last Place
10) Zero
11) La Condanna
12) N.V.O.N. 


Curse At 27 - 2006-2008 - Misc. Demos

1) She Wrote My Suicide Note (2006 - Loud And Live)
2) Busta (2007 - Demo 2007)
3) The Brewery (2007 - Demo 2007)
4) Anguish (Demo) (2008 - Demo 2008)
5) Lies (Demo) (2008 - Demo 2008)
6) These Walls (Demo) (2008 - Demo 2008)
7)  The Departed (Demo) (2008 - Demo 2008)

Dryconditions & Yfere - 2006 - Dryconditions/Yfere

1) Intro
2) Berechnungen
6) Abbild
3) Dra At Helvete
4) Anaemia
5) Spankin' The Monkey All Night Long

Fear Before The March Of Flames - 2003 - Odd How People Shake

1) Fashion Tips Baby
2) Go Wash Your Mouth... I Don't Know Where It's Been
3) Given To Dreams
4) Girl's Got A Face Like Murder
5) The Lisbon Girls, Oh The Lisbon Girls
6) The 20th Century Was Entirely Mine
7) Sarah Goldfarb, Where Are Your Manners?
8) On The Brightside, She Could Choke
9) Motelroom.Grandpiano
10) What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas


The December Drive - 2006 - Arrivals/Departures

1) The Tide
2) Arrivals/Departures
3) An Option
4) Red Lights
5) The Blessing
6) Somewhere

When Roses Die - 2009 - Violence?

1) Дождь (Single)
2) Не бойся нести любовь


Saving Joshua - 2011 - Forever Hold Your Peace

1) Lost In A Flooded Cave
2) My Neighbor
3) Making Headlines
4) This Is (What I've Told You)
5) Dead Men Tell No Tales
6) 1337
7) The Philanthropist 
8) Don't Put Your Bet On Me
9) Diamonds
10) I Guess That's Emerson's Way
11) Forever Hold Your Peace

And So Your Life Is Ruined - 2014 - And So Your Life Is Ruined

1) Berlino
2) Febbraio
3) Cariddi
4) 308 Negra Arroyo Lane
5) Inverno Senza Fuoco
6) Perchè Non Siamo Dove Siete Voi


3 Segundos Antes Da Queda - 2009 - 3 Segundos Antes Da Queda

1) Eu, Takezo, Dostoiévski e Você
2) Saudades
3) A Carta
4) Don Quixote de La Mancha
5) Untitled 1
6) Untitled 2
7) Individualismo
8) O Que Disse!
9) Pensar e Sentir
10) Três Você = Zero Eu
11) Untitled 3
12) Untitled 4

Uzmi Ruke - 2002 - Uzmi Ruke

1) 1 
2) 2 
3) 3


Uzmi Ruke - 2000 - Demo

1) Untitled 1
2) Untitled 2
3) Untitled 3
4) Untitled 4

Ryu Vs. Ken - 2006 - Suffer, Surrender

1) Paradise 
2) Tomorrow Looks Like Today
3) Song 5
4) The Scenery
5) You Hit the Wrong Note, and We'll All Be Flat


From Man, In Ghost - 2006 - Berlin Stories

1) For Conditioned Voices
2) Fear Not, My Laser Eyes Will Catch Her!
3) The Weathermen
4) How About A Little Fire Scarecrow?

From Man, In Ghost - 2007-2008 - Misc. Demos

1) The Ocean Walker (2007 - 2 Song Sampler)
2) We Are Forgotten (2007 - 2 Song Sampler)
3) Answers (2008)
4) Queens (Instrumental/Unfinished) (2008 - Signals)
5) Memphis And Dreaming (Instrumental/Unfinished) (2008 - Signals)


Azriel - 2009 - Album Demo

1) The Paths We Take (Demo) 
2) Debts Eternal (Demo)
3) While The City Sleeps (Demo)
4) [Single] Hold On (2009)

Improper Fraction - 2005 - This EP Isn't Emo Enough!

1) Not Emo Enough
2) Today Just Isn't My Day
3) Vicissitude
4) Age Of Superficial
5) Reach Out And Touch The Lord


When Roses Die - 2009 - Нечего Терять

1) Сольёмся
2) Улетаю
3) Нечего Терять
4) Дождь
5) Может Быть...

When Roses Die - 2011 - Отпечатки

1) Рабы Собственной Власти
2) Отпечатки
3) Когда Внутри Пустота
4) Боли Больше.net

Aboycalledhero - 2003 - What Happens To The Bad Guy When The Good Guy Gets The Girl?

1) Hepatitis To The Winter
2) All This Time
3) Theory Of Closed Windows
4) Thousand Stories High
5) Every Other Kiss Is Protocol 
6) Second Taste Of Sweet Regret
7) Ten Minutes
8) In Silence


Tunes For Bears To Dance To - 2003 - Asking In Askance

1) Swim Back Mr. Fish
2) Livejournal
3) Isn't Life A Grand 'Ol Fuck
4) Joel
5) Where's Waldo?
6) Dilido Bridge
7) Premiscuous Purple
8) Paradise Is Very Nice

Québec - 2007 - Together We Have Grown, Together We Shall Bloom

1) We've Had the Anti-Venom All Along
2) Knives and XXXX
3) Bright Eyed and Dead Inside
4) The Solution to All Problems
5) Je Me Souviens (Revisited)


Left Hand Cuts The Right - 2005 - The Death Of Romance

1) You Break My Heart, I Break Into Song
2) Surrounded By The Living
3) We Built Our Truths On Bricks And Repetition
4) The Scene That We Set
5) We Burn Today, We Burn Tonight, We Dream Romance
6) [Bonus Demo] So This Is Goodbye (2006)

Terror Firma - 2004 - The Death Of Escapism

1) Is Vermont South in the Motherfuckin House 
2) Attack of the 50ft Radioactive Corpse of Thomas Hobbes
3) The Death of Escapism 
4) Satisfaction or Imagination
5) Under da Sea
6) Thinking in Circles
7) Here's to You and the Human Race (aka Honk if You Hate Homophobia)
8) Terror Fuckin Firma
9) Young and Free
10) I'd Still Love Ya Even if Sharks Bit off Your Face 


Left Hand Cuts The Right - 2004 - You Breathed Like Winter

1) Black Like Knives
2) Ambulance
3) Centrifuge Rationale
4) Fallen Autumn
5) Seconds Slept Like Hours
6) [Bonus Demo] Blue Eyes Black
7) [Bonus Demo] Second Song (Black Like Knives Demo)
8) [Bonus Demo] Fallen Autumn (Demo)

30 Дней Февраля - 2003 - Demo

1) Каждый Из Нас (Demo)
2) Никто
3) Не Хочу Умирать
4) Над Землёй


Shokei - 2002 - '02 Jailbreak

1) Koro
2) Messen-Steuern-Regeln
3) Bukkake
4) Hauptfeuerwehrmann
5) Baumarkt

30 Дней Февраля - 2005 - Твоя Сестра Саши

1) Мне Так Страшно За Тебя
2) Твоя сестра Саши
3) Друзьям Осознать
4) Каждый Из Нас
5) Над землёй


Desapego - 2018 - Negación & Perfidia

1) Intro
2) El Insostenible Engaño de tu Libertad (y la Mía)
3) Encariñados, Encariñadas Hacia lo Absurdo (Utopía Autómata)
4) La Última Farsa en un Mundo Sincero
5) Okaasan
6) Interludio
7) xDesde Mi Propio Serx
8) Las Raíces Divergentes de la Afectividad
9) Paradigmas Paralelos, Antitesis de la Felicidad
10) Raison d´Etre


Petethepiratesquid & Radio Burroughs - 2005 - Petethepiratesquid/Radio Burroughs

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) A Simple Leaf
2) I'm Not Dancing Because I Like This Band, I'm Dancing Because I'm Cold
Radio Burroughs
3) Doubts
4) Rebuilt History

In All Her Ruin - 2006 - Ladies And Gentlemen... Panic! Panic!

1) Avoiding Planecrashes By Holding My Breath
2) When Seeking The Heartless, We Head For The Sea


Triumph Of Gnomes - 2005 - Playing Doctors (The Future Face Fuck)

1) Paper Rings
2) Salvation Lies In Our Wake
3) Life The Ignitor
4) Eater Of Empires
5) How Come Every Time We Throw A Party The Nuns Show Up?

Triumph Of Gnomes - 2006 - Fear Not, My Wolf Machine

1) Florence Frightengale
2) Tokyo Nightscare
3) Fuck Magazine Legs
4) Fear Not, My Wolf Machine

Shokei, The Falcon Five, Kids Explode, & Petethepiratesquid - 2008 - 4 Way Split

1) Kill The Lightning 
2) Ride 'Em All
The Falcon Five
3) Cat With The Mohawk
4) The Dogs Are Sleepy
Kids Explode
5) I'd Rather Dance To A Pynchon Novel
6) Ask Me
7) This One's For Your Parents
8) 21,23
9) Close-Knit, Great Fit

Half Astro - 2008 - Hybrid

1) Foreplay-KY Jerry
2) Cellular
3) Right's Right
4) Fight No More (Forever)
5) Cocaine & Caviar
6) Self Respect
7) Sailin' On
8) Mirror
9) Blackwater
11) Kings of Tomorrowland


Heartfeltself - 2000 - Demo

1) Autumn
2) Blackened Canvas
3) A'sharad
4) A New Path