Civilised - 2005 - Demo
Civilised - 2008 - Civilised
Dbsixtyeight - 2005 - The Start

Static Dress - 2019-2022 - Singles
Remembering The Forgotten - 2005 - Remembering The Forgotten
Lakeshore Drive - 2002 - Something Like Summer
All My Heroes - 2005 - Misc. Demos

Lakeshore Drive - 2003 - The Calm Before the Storm
Lakeshore Drive - 2005 - Recovery of Inspiration

Anatomy Of A Ghost - 2003 - Evanesce

Anatomy Of A Ghost- 2002 - Demo

Agony Accepted - 2007 - Agony Accepted

4) Echoes
5) Lullaby
File Updates - Vanna, Romantic Emily
Updated Vanna's "2005 Demo" post to include a better version of "That Champagne Feeling (Demo)", I'm pretty sure it was produced separately from the rest according to this metalorgie page. Thanks to DonaldJTrump on Slsk (lol).
Also thanks to WithYouInRockland2 for providing 256 versions of "Voices" (now updated to be "When I'll Scream Your Name Out"). Also included is a cover of Mr. Brightside which to my knowledge was released as a promo for a tour in collaboration with a fellow Italian band, Cinderalla's Revenge.
I have no clue why there's 2 different versions of the cover art... but whatever.
Amber Daybreak - 2007-2010 - Misc. Demos
Onset Of Effect - 2005 - Plane Down

5) Friendship III
Starlight District - 2001 - On Solid Ground

The Farewell Note - 2004 - The Farewell Note
Iris - 2005 - Escaping The Clinic

4) Fragile
5) Perfect Flaw
6) Reason To Breathe
As Night Falls (Nightfall) - 2004 - The End of All Innocence

Nightfall - 2002 - Second EP
Nightfall - 2002 - Nightfall
Nightfall - 2004 - The Philosophy of Time Travel

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
Anathallo - 2006 - Anathallogy

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
Deadbeat Nightlife - 2009 - Deadbeat Nightlife

File Updates - In Reverent Fear
Good news! "Living a Life in Debt to Another" and "Written in the A.M." have been put up on Spotify and they DIDN'T screw up the EQ for 320 versions!
Those are updated now, God bless. Hope everyone is well.
Legendary Baseball Card - 2021 - Without Me

A Bitter Sweet Moment - 2007 - Demo
Yotsuya Kaidan - 2018 - Крошка-комета

Dbsixtyeight - 2007 - The Boy In The Corner

4) Tiny Fractured Pieces
5) Stuck In The Moment
Tricks Are For Kids - 2006 - Misc. Demos

Adept - 2009 - Another Year of Disaster

Adept - 2006 - The Rose Will Decay

Adept - 2005 - When the Sun Gave Up the Sky
File Updates - Bad Taste (Дурной Вкус), A Thorn For Every Heart, By The End Of Summer
While over at my bf's I was able to do a lossless rip of his "Светомузыка" CD and updated the id3's for "Things Aren't So Beautiful Now" while I was at it.
I found that the songs on "Laughing" just cut out randomly and the id3's for "The Summer Field" with an additional single are updated. Fixed with a big thanks to 4010's files!
So go check those out if you're interested! I also got an oddball he had that I can't wait to upload... It'll only be up on YT though so don't miss it.
Heavy Weather - 2018 - We Still Have So Much Left To Lose

Tricks Are For Kids - 2007 - Summer

4) My Words Believe