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I updated the files for their S/T to one that didn't have glitches and are in slightly higher quality. If you haven't listened to these Aussies and you're a fan of weirder stuff... you should peep.
Post can be found here.
In.Her.Head's new single, "Daiquiri Zachary Has Never Lost A Battle", is out now! I also moved their debut single, "There Are No Doves In Outer Space" from that post to the corresponding EP now that it's out.
That post has been updated here.
I did a little id3 organization for "Misc. Demos 2006-2008" w/ BeeDee's 96kbps original rips from their 2006 demo.
On another note, we made the decision to remove _/10 ratings for reviews, as we feel music cannot be measured by such arbitrary values (at least we don't feel qualified for it). Just thought that was important to mention.