Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Ancient History
2) Paying Homage To The Underache
3) Let The Walls Talk Among Thems
4) Secret Admirer
Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) Jeremiah's Big Wish (Demo) (2012)
2) Stop Right There, Criminal Scum (Rough Demo) (2013)
3) Ovary Acting (Pre-Demo Version) (2013)
4) Ovary Acting (Demo) (2013)
5) Ovary Acting (Alternate) (2013)
6) Magnum Cum Latte (Demo) (2014)
7) Kaminski (Overcompressed Shit Alpha Version Sampler) (2015)
8) Kaminski, The Legend (Chorus Demo) (2016)
9) Jack Off (Alternate) (2016)
10) Fmalaysia (2018)
11) Depresso Espresso (Rough Demo) (Edgy AF Demo) (2019)
12) Depresso Espresso (Demo) (2022)
13) Halcyon Colliderscope (Demo) (2022)