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4) Miscoherent Moments
It has been brought to my attention that my favorite MIW album, "When Love Met Destruction", has a limited edition with some extra tracks with alternate versions on it. Therefore, I nabbed it in lossless and updated the post to include that one.
Thanks to Heitor for the info! Apparently they only gave 1000 copies of these away at the 2008 Vans Warped Tour before the final release (the 6 track version).
Post can be found here.
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1) Jeremiah's Big Wish (Demo) (2012)
2) Stop Right There, Criminal Scum (Rough Demo) (2013)
3) Ovary Acting (Pre-Demo Version) (2013)
4) Ovary Acting (Demo) (2013)
5) Ovary Acting (Alternate) (2013)
6) Magnum Cum Latte (Demo) (2014)
7) Kaminski (Overcompressed Shit Alpha Version Sampler) (2015)
8) Kaminski, The Legend (Chorus Demo) (2016)
9) Jack Off (Alternate) (2016)
10) Fmalaysia (2018)
11) Depresso Espresso (Rough Demo) (Edgy AF Demo) (2019)
12) Depresso Espresso (Demo) (2022)
13) Halcyon Colliderscope (Demo) (2022)