
I Must Say She Is Dead - 2003 - Goodnight's Not Goodbye

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) XLost By LiesX
2) Just Say Goodbye

An Aphonic Ending - 2003 - An Aphonic Ending

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) [Missing] Distance
2) [Missing] The Perfect Murder
3) [Missing] Chinatown
4) As Human Voices Wake Us
5) And We Drown...


File Updates - The World We Made

Another song, "I Don't Know The Answers" from "Personal Themes With Universal Applications" has been found on the mp3.com haul by Melomelo

Post has been updated here.

December's Last Words - 2003 - Five Song E.P.

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Left Than Right (For Katy)
2) When Thirteen Wild Girls Scream Your Name It's Time To Quit
3) Serial Killer Of Personal Conversation
4) Papertrails Of Actions Not Thought Out
5) Jan Brady Is A Heart Breaker


File Updates - M.F.C. (Merry Fucking Christmas), Five Minute Ride

Through a new archive of mp3.com pages, I was finally able to look at a few band's pages for some info. M.F.C.'s 3 tracks now have proper id3 info on which release they were a part of instead of a 3 song demo. Post has been named to Various instead. Turns out it's from 2002 instead.

I also made a big oopsie; turns out my Five Minute Ride "Bathroom Walls... Lipstick Secrets" post was a complete mess. I don't know how I not only got the track listing wrong, but mislabel-swapped track 5 and 6... no wonder I thought there was a "demo version" of a song floating about. Turns out, that demo was indeed just the final versions of "Don't Look Back To Minnesota" and "November In My Soul" as lightsxdownxlow suggested (sorry man). Here's actual, undeniable proof from an archived mp3.com listing.

So yeah, fixed that. WAV id3s are incorrect still bc I can't edit them without removing the properties but I made sure to fix the names. Third Person can now be downloaded as a bonus demo on the original post. Also the year was wrong too? Apparently? Oh man. It's '04 not '03. 

So yeah, fixed all that nonsense.

Endora - 2002 - 2 Song Demo

1) Unmasking Serenity
2) Morning Glass Mirror
3) [Bonus Demo] First Smell of Autumn


Marion Delgado - 2000 - 3 Song Promo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Painted Stones and Marigolds (Demo)
2) I'd Rather Be in Aberdeen (Demo)
3) Your RBI's Are Astounding (Demo)
4) Secret Track


Marion Delgado - 2001 - An Unfocused Lens Serves a Purpose After All

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) One Foot in the Fire
2) Painted Stones and Marigolds
3) Three Kings and a Fighter Pilot
4) Project Isosceles
5) Project Pythagoras
6) I'd Rather Be in Aberdeen
7) Pistols at Dawn
8) Your RBI's Are Astounding
9) Hidden


All Rights Reserved - 2003 - Remind Me To Burn These Pages

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Never Say Die
2) Heartless Hero
3) Home Away From Here
4)You Know Who You Are
5) Fun Days
6) Drown With Me

All Rights Reserved - 2002 - All Rights Reserved

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Kiss And Touch
2) Uncertain Expectations
3) Fun Days In 8th Grade (Fun Days EP Version)
4) Miscoherent Moments
5) Your Eyes Are Always Dreaming


Dawnbreed - 1995 - Kiosk

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Rezessions Chic
2) Blumentod
3) Ein Mundvoll Schweigen
4) Profilgrotesk
5) Liebesnacht In Rimini
6) Katsura Rikyn
7) Easy Listening
8) Dieses Lied Ist
9) Heimatfilm


File Updates - Motionless In White

It has been brought to my attention that my favorite MIW album, "When Love Met Destruction", has a limited edition with some extra tracks with alternate versions on it. Therefore, I nabbed it in lossless and updated the post to include that one.

Thanks to Heitor for the info! Apparently they only gave 1000 copies of these away at the 2008 Vans Warped Tour before the final release (the 6 track version).

Post can be found here.


21 Грамм - 2005 - Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Гнилое Сердце
2) Холодно
3) Вверх Костры
4) Она

Legit - 2008 - Shit Happens

1) Legitimacize
2) Birdfeed Choir
3) Ruin Your Life LIVE!!
4) Pop Anthem 2008


Legit - 2007 - Shit Son!

1) The Amazing New Awful
2) Fuck You, Jon Mayer
3) Discount Lobotomy
4) Slopetooth
5) Dylan Death Camp
6) I've Got a New Brain!
7) Suck the Dick Fantastic
8) The Least Painful Way to Get Fucked in the Ass


End Of A Year - 2004 - Disappear Here

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Anxiety
2) I Wash My Ass With Piss
3) Like Four Flat Tires
4) I Hate Fun, I Hate Young People, Stay Off My Lawn
5) 30 Degrees 10 Seconds After It Rains
6) Hey
7) If You're Not Into It, You're Dead
8) My Baboon Heart
9) Shy Partier Meets Talkative Recluse
10) It Was A Total Nightmare
11) Occupation
12) Good To Meet You

End Of A Year - 2004 - Warm

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) If You're Not Into It, You're Dead (EP Version)
2) The Birthplace Of Plastic
3) Caldor
4) Hey (EP Version)
5) It Was A Total Nightmare (EP Version)
6) Good To Meet You (EP Version)
7) 60 Degrees 10 Seconds After It Rains (30 Degrees 10 Seconds After It Rains EP Version)
8) Odometer
9) Kentucky Is A Revolution

Police Line - 2002 - Quality of Life

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Quality of Life
2) Lazy (Instant Karma)
3) Scientific Holocaust
4) Beyond Belief
5) Imperialist Square
6) Work Will Set You Free
7) It's All One Attack


If I Should Die - 2003 - X's O's & Handguns

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) 904 boys
2) Don't Touch Me, You Have Leprosy
3) Herpatrol...
4) I Wanna Ride The Dumbo Ride 
5) [Bonus Demo] Unmarked Grave (2002 - Be Still and Know That You're Loved)
6) [Bonus Demo] The Fall of an Empire Known as Rome (2003 - Unreleased)

If I Should Die - 2003 - Fallen

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Out of Dodge
2) They Should've Sent a Poet
3) Hearts Immortal
4) Cape May, NJ

Foreknown - 2005 - Calm Seas Don't Make Sailors

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) In The Beginning
2) Through Thick And Thin
3) This Ain't No Summer Vacation
4) Weapon Of Choice
5) Speechless
6) Lessons In Manhood
7) The Barrel Of A Gun
8) Tonight The Ghosts They Dance
9) Voted Most Likely To Succeed
10) No Guns, No Roses, Just Axl


Accident Scene - 2005 - Paint This Town A Different Colour

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Oh Hitman, You Kill Me
2) Snake Eyes Ain't So Bad
3) Logan
4) A Scene From Down Your Street
5) Ladykiller
6) Same Old Boring Red
7) The Reason We Ask For Silence
8) Exit Signs
9) No Two People Are Not On Fire
10) I Am Jack's Perfect Ending


Best Friends - 2008 - Best Friends

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Trash Attack!
2) Party Time in the Land of Complete Fuck-Ups
3) Water Country
4) When I Wake Up Everything Will Be OK
5) Cemetary Soup
6) J13K


Meißel - 2022 - Meißel - (Reviewed)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
2) II
3) III
4) IV
5) VI
6) V
7) I
8) VII

"My partner is into old school punk, and I ask him what he likes about it vs. post hardcore, screamo, etc. One of them is that the songs are shorter, which allows for more variety... and this is a point I can totally see; thankfully for him, Meißel took a word out of that book and brings to you some powerfully written material back-to-back with a great mashup of screamo and post hardcore, ever-changing in intensity; I love it. Thanks to David from the band, go and give them some love for their masterful work!"


To Say The Least - 2004 - Late In The 4th Quarter...

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Ancient History
2) Paying Homage To The Underache
3) Let The Walls Talk Among Thems
4) Secret Admirer


Valandora - 2002 - ...It All Sounds

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Nominal Animal (EP Version)
2) Spaced Positions
3) Cheeky Curve
4) Daylight


Nothingstar - 2003 - Growth

1) An Angel's Phobia
2) My Limbo
3) To the Clouds That Care for Rain
4) Cattle
5) You Lost Me (Inside of You)
6) Talk Down Once
7) Progression of Relationship
8) Time is Lonely
9) Darwin's Ape
10) The Battle of a Pharaoh's Proposal

The I In Team - 2004 - Discography

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) My Remembrance as Julius Caesar
2) Why Can't You Trolls Circle Pit
3) Screaming to the Northern Lights
4) We Said Our Goodbyes
5) Cassandra with Brando Hair
6) Cassandra with Brando Hair (Re-Recording)
7) Metropolis
8) Truth in Machinery
9) Track 4
10) End of the Road (Boyz II Men Cover)
11) Dust in the Wind (Live Kansas Cover)
12) Freebird (Live Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover)


Innocence Broken & Nodes Of Ranvier - 2002 - Innocence Broken/Nodes Of Ranvier

Innocence Broken
1) Truth Behind Your Words
2) Excluding Exteriors
3) Where Bodies Walk But Lie Broken
4) Just The Beginning (Instrumental)
Nodes Of Ranvier
5) Beauty With No Words
6) Soundtrack For Salvation
7) The World
8) Cold Fingers (Reveal Messages Of Hate On My Screen)

Slowdance - 2004 - Good People

Download (mp3/wav) . Listen on YT
1) North Gardner
2) Trucker Speed And L Bombs
3) Table 1
4) 3 Out Of 4
5) Costello And Park Slope
6) Avenue C
7) Bwe... Q33 To Laguardia
8) Annie (Get A Real Mohawk)
9) Tribute To One Liners And Chapel Hill
10) The Clips And The Screws
11) Learn How To Speak Japanese (The Step Back)


Discovery Of A Lifelong Error - 2009 - Untitled

Download (mp3/m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Michael Jackson
2) Lightspeed

Thousand Below - 2017 - The Love You Let Too Close

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Sinking Me
2) Tradition
3) Never Here
4) Sleepless
5) Carry The Weight
6) The Love You Let Too Close
7) Follow Me Home
8) The Wolf And The Sea
9) Vein
10) No Place Like You
11) Into The Gray

Discovery Of A Lifelong Error - 2008 - Creatures

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Shit Fire, Save Matches
2) All Hopped Up On Date Rape Drugs
3) A Waltz Regarding Repetition
4) Yard Sale
5) Grandmother Redux


Fordirelifesake - 1999 - Demo

1) Bloody Tears
2) As The Cardinals Slit Their Wrists
3) Mournful Farewell

File Updates - Fordirelifesake

After listening to these guys for years... I came to the realization that their album I never touched, "A Daydream Disaster (2005)" was actually just a compilation of various tracks from their S/T and splits... and for that reason, I decided to turn the original "Foredirelifesake (2001)" post into that. I'll still keep the Deluge split up though separately.

If you haven't heard these guys before you need to, they really are incredible. I'm going to upload their (1999?) demo soon so be on the lookout for that.

Discovery Of A Lifelong Error - 2007 - You Can Learn A Lot From A Pair Of Black Lungs...

Download (m4a) . Listen on YT
1) Intro
2) Fivetwosixtwo
3) All Mouth, No Matter
4) Zombies Are Fucking Assholes
5) (Subject To Change)
6) Giants Orbiting
7) Conjunction Junction; You're Either An Apostrophe Or You Are Nothing
8) A Hatchet As Sharp As The Devil Himself
9) Small Talk's Going To Get My Throat Cut
10) 'Terra Firma' Might Be Inappropriate


Really Good Parents - 2008 - ...Kissing Girls Is Cool I Guess...

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Prince Valiant Effort
2) Goodbye, Green Lion
3) Hey Alligator
4) Will You Be There When I'm 80?
5) Hamgurgler


Brokenboy - 2003 - Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Only to Fall
2) My Angel of Sorrow
3) I've Been Shown

Raised To The Ground - 2009 - Risen From The Ashes

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) Risen From The Ashes
2) Spit It Out
3) Neglect
4) Your Freedom, My Burden


Rekah - 2022 - Kiamat

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) 24 Jam Di Fatmawati
2) Lusa Kiamat
3) Kabar Dari Dasar Botol
4) Terang Dilarang Masuk
5) Kereta Terakhir Dari Palmerah
6) Bursa Arwah
7) Mengajari Api Berdansa
8) Tragedi Paling Anjing
9) Makar/Penghabisan


[Amatory] - 2004 - Неизбежность - (Reviewed)

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Километры
2) Сотни Раз
3) Беги Вслед За Мной
4) Чёрно-Белые Дни
5) Сильнее Меня
6) Я Остаюсь
7) Сломанный Мир
8) Глубоко Внутри
9) Поцелуй Мою Кровь
10) С.Т.Е.К.А.Я.
11) Другая Жизнь
12) P.S.

"I can't even call what genre it is. It's a sick mix of metalcore, deathcore, nu metal, post-hardcore (sometimes) and groove metal. Heavy af, despite it's not any -death like stuff, but the vibe, album cover art and lyrics make you feel like it's kickass deathcore-like stuff. Actually lyrics aren't so original (sometimes even stupid imo), but it works damn good in such mix of pain and aggression. In their next album, 'Книга Мёртвых' (Book of Dead) they improved their songwriting so much, but for me 'Неизбежность' is still their best work through all the years."

Morphine Suffering - 2008 - Заплати и сдохни

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Взгляни в себя
2) Карантин
3) Под тенью твоих крыльев
4) Пролей свой яд
5) Свиняча пика

Morphine Suffering - 2009 - Открой глаза

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Мій сон
2) Crossing the Hell's Gates
3) Открой Глаза


File Updates - Mightaswell

Missing tracks 1, 8, and 11 were recovered by ssik1974 on slsk as well as the cover art for "Yesteryear (Anthology)". Since this is the proper release name, I updated it to that as well.

Post can be found here.

Clearview Kills - 2005 - Wrap This Around Your Neck

1) No Sympathy for a Fallen Angel
2) Goodnight
3) Sleep With the Light On
4) Make Up
5) Lost and Lonely
6) I am the Furthest Thing from Starting Over
7) The Stereo


Sometime In April - 2004 - The Faceless Complexion of Beauty

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) We Live as We Dream Alone
2) Destroying All That Remains
3) [Single] The Theory (2004)

Sometime In April - 2004 - Dentro Me

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Prelude
2) Veritas
3) True Love Only Exists in Hollywood
4) Unwanted Changes

Sometime In April - 2002 - Color is the Season

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT
1) Color is the Season
2) Unwanted Changes (Demo)
3) That's the Last Time You Stick a Knife in Me
4) Broken Compass
5) She is Indeed Perfection


Opt Aut Sic Eco - 2017 - Opt Aut Sic Eco - (Reviewed)

1) Transformation A.D.
2) Griffith's Billiards
3) The Wolfman's Discotheque
4) The Hunger
5) Outta My Way Fishman
6) You One Of Them Super Draculas
7) Village of the Cat People
8) Death Awaits You
9) Robot Arms Robot Eyes Robot Hips Robot Thighs
10) Night of the Mantis
11) Murder on the Oh No You Didn't Express
12) You Prefer Alien Love
13) The Ghost in the Walls

"First overlooked at the mere sight of it on a certain YT music spam channel... I didn't bother giving it a listen (rookie mistake, I should know better). Months later I rediscovered it whilst looking for some cassettes to pick up for my bf's car's radio. Finally, I sat down and gave it the time that it deserved before. Darkwave and hardcore are a match made in heaven, and I really wish I saw it more, with bands like The Axe That Chopped The Cherry Tree and Blow Up being ones that come to mind. The innate characteristics of the darkwave genre carry across it unrivaled atmosphere for the hardcore components to reside in. As a result, you get a uniquely personal listening experience that helps you appreciate all other aspects of fantastic vocalization, excellent guitarwork, heavy bass, and cadenced drums (think of it as a concert in a chamber, that's the best way I can visualize it). This has been one of the coolest albums I've heard in the past year, and I'm so looking forward to spending more time with it."

File Updates - In.Her.Head, American Awesome Alliance

Updated the In.Her.Head's singles post to include the remake of "Phantoms Can’t Hurt Me, Mirrors Can (2022)".

I also made sure to include AAA's new demo, "Halcyon Colliderscope (Demo)" (which dropped just yesterday, though I'm not sure whether or not to reupload the YT post just yet; I'll wait.

That post can be found here.


Rites Of Spring - 1991 - End On End (w/ 1985 Self Titled)

Download (mp3/m4a) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) Spring
2) Deeper Than Inside
3) For Want Of
4) Hain's Point
5) All There Is
6) Drink Deep
7) Other Way Around
8) Theme
9) By Design
10) Remainder
11) Persistent Vision
12) Nudes
13) End On End
14) All Through A Life
15) Hidden Wheel
16) In Silence/Worlds Away
17) Patience

Rites Of Spring - 2012 - Six Song Demo

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Bandcamp
1) End On End (Demo)
2) Remainder (Demo)
3) Persistent Vision (Demo)
4) Hain's Point (Demo)
5) All There Is (Demo)
6) By Design (Demo)


American Awesome Alliance - 2012-2022 - Misc. Demos

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) Jeremiah's Big Wish (Demo) (2012)
2) Stop Right There, Criminal Scum (Rough Demo) (2013)
3) Ovary Acting (Pre-Demo Version) (2013)
4) Ovary Acting (Demo) (2013)
5) Ovary Acting (Alternate) (2013)
6) Magnum Cum Latte (Demo) (2014)
7) Kaminski (Overcompressed Shit Alpha Version Sampler) (2015)
8) Kaminski, The Legend (Chorus Demo) (2016)
9) Jack Off (Alternate) (2016)
10) Fmalaysia (2018)
11) Depresso Espresso (Rough Demo) (Edgy AF Demo) (2019)
12) Depresso Espresso (Demo) (2022)
13) Halcyon Colliderscope (Demo) (2022)


American Awesome Alliance - 2014-2017 - Demo Instrumentals

Download (mp3) . Listen on YT . Soundcloud
1) American Awesome Breakfast (Rough Demo Instrumental) (2014)
2) American Awesome Breakfast (Demo Instrumental) (2014)
3) Magnum Cum Latte (Demo Instrumental) (2014)
4) Jack Off (Demo Instrumental) (2016)
5) Kaminiski, The Legend (Demo Instrumental) (2016)
6) Your Mom Is A Monster Machine (Demo Instrumental) (2017)
7) Depresso Espresso (Demo Instrumental) (2017)